10 Scrapbook Ideas for Beginners (2024)

10 Scrapbook Ideas for Beginners (1)Have you ever made a scrapbook before? There are lots of different types of scrapbooks you can make. Whether you’ve made lots of scrapbooks or have never made one, you can try out some of these scrapbook ideas!

Scrapbooks are great for preserving memories through photographs, writing, and mementos.

I am going to explain each type of scrapbook and give you a few picture examples of scrapbooks I’ve made to help you see the different types of scrapbooks you can make.

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| Related: Simple Scrapbook Page Ideas

1. Event Scrapbook

10 Scrapbook Ideas for Beginners (2)

You can make a scrapbook about an event.

The scrapbook I made is small and is about a class I taught at a camp.

The class was about Hawaii. We learned how to hula dance, made some crafts, and learned some things about Hawaii.

In this scrapbook, I included pictures, written text, and mementos from the class.

This is a simple type of scrapbook you can make for any event you attend.

Examples of event scrapbooks include scrapbooks about: weddings, parties, performances, etc.

2. Alphabet Scrapbook

10 Scrapbook Ideas for Beginners (3)

If you have a hodgepodge of photographs or memorabilia, consider making an alphabet scrapbook.

Each letter of the alphabet stands for a different theme, event, person, etc.

You could also make an acrostic scrapbook for a person spelling out his or her name.

A holiday scrapbook with the name of the holiday as an acrostic is another option.

In this alphabet scrapbook I have pages for places we visited, performances my kids were in, fun things around the house, and lot of other things.

3. Vacation Scrapbook

10 Scrapbook Ideas for Beginners (4)

Most of my scrapbooks are vacation scrapbooks.

I make a scrapbook of our whole vacation and put photos, menus, ticket stubs, sand, receipts, plus other things inside it.

If you have lots of picture and mementos from vacation, this is a great way to preserve the memories.

You can write about your travel adventures in your scrapbook to help you remember the fun you had.

4. Biographical Scrapbook

This is a scrapbook you make of someone’s life.

The ones I have made start at infancy and go to the present time.

This type of scrapbook makes for a great gift.

You could make this kind of scrapbook about any person or a pet.

5. Annual Scrapbook

Make a scrapbook of each year with all the photos from the year in one book.

I have made quite a few annual scrapbooks.

These scrapbooks usually include holidays, special events, birthdays, special trips like amusem*nt parks or zoos, summer activities, etc.

If you want to save different memories from your year, this is a great scrapbook to create.

6. Card Scrapbook

10 Scrapbook Ideas for Beginners (5)

I have a scrapbook that is nothing but cards that I have received from showers, my wedding, birthdays, Christmas, and much more.

This is a very easy scrapbook to make, and it’s great for preserving cards that you want to keep.

You can use a glue stick or sticky tabs to attach the backs of the cards to the pages.

7. Scrapbook About Yourself

10 Scrapbook Ideas for Beginners (6)

You can learn things about yourself (or let others learn about you) by making a scrapbook about yourself.

You can talk about things you like, your relationships with others and God, things you want to do, etc.

This scrapbook can be as personal as you want to be. You could include pictures of yourself, journal entries, things you’ve written like poems, lists of your favorite things, etc.

A scrapbook like this is great for discovering more about yourself, and it is a great thing for your family to have to remember you by.

8. Place Scrapbook

One of my favorite scrapbooks is a book about a place I worked.

In the summers while I was in college, I worked on a farm. I have very fond memories of that place.

This scrapbook (which I made long before scrapbooking was popular) has quotes from workers, photos, lists of workers (it changed a lot), plus ways we did different jobs.

It makes it easy to show my kids exactly what I did when I worked there.

9. Friends Scrapbook

At a time in my life when things weren’t going really well, I made a friends scrapbook.

This included friends from my past and the present.

It reminded me of how I wasn’t really alone and how I had been blessed with a lot of friends over the years.

In my scrapbook, I have some friends that take up one to two pages and others that I only have one or two pictures of (like friends from elementary school).

I wrote down how I met these people and memories I have with them.

10. Family History Scrapbook

I have started a family history scrapbook. It isn’t finished yet.

I started with my parents and grandparents branching out to aunts and uncles. It is still a work in progress.

This is a great scrapbook to make to preserve memories about all your different family members.

You can ask other family members to contribute memories as well.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Do you want to preserve your good memories? Check out these scrapbook ideas! ” quote=”Do you want to preserve your good memories? Check out these scrapbook ideas! ” theme=”style3″]

What kinds of scrapbook ideas do you have?

Comment down below the types of scrapbooks you have made or want to make.

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10 Scrapbook Ideas for Beginners (2024)


What should I write in my scrapbook? ›

Whether it's your mantra, book quote, or a movie quote that you simply cannot forget, it's always great to use a quote or two in your scrapbook! 3. Description of photos - Tell a story through your chosen photo (or photos!).

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How to make a scrapbook: the ultimate beginner's guide to scrapbooking
  1. Gather your scrapbooking supplies. ...
  2. Choose scrapbook paper or albums. ...
  3. Pick a topic or theme. ...
  4. Round up your photographs. ...
  5. Choose your layout. ...
  6. Get creative and add embellishments. ...
  7. Add journalling to your pages.
Mar 12, 2020

What can I make a scrapbook about? ›

Journaling & Scrapbooking Prompts. Lists of Favorites (Colors, Dinners, Movies, Songs, Artists, Place You've Traveleds, Cartoons, Movie Stars, Desserts, Stores, Outfits, Disney Movies, Restaurants, Flavors of Ice Cream, etc.) What Am I Afraid Of? Growing Up (Where were you born?

What are the 3 main elements of a scrapbook? ›

A scrapbook is a collection of items, such as photographs, mementos, and personal notes, that are arranged and preserved in a creative and decorative way. The three main elements of a scrapbook are photos, mementos, and journaling. Photos are one of the most important elements of a scrapbook.

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How to Make a Scrapbook: a Step-by-step Guide
  1. Step 1: Choose a Theme. The theme is one of the most critical aspects of your scrapbook. ...
  2. Step 2: Identify the Stories to Tell. ...
  3. Step 3: Sort Your Photos and Memorabilia. ...
  4. Step 5: Create Scrapbook Pages. ...
  5. Step 6: Assemble Scrapbook Pages.
Feb 8, 2022

What do you write on the first page of a scrapbook? ›

For my annual albums, the first page is usually a synopsis of the year (journaling with maybe a photo or two). The last page just ends with whatever photos I took at the end of the year.

How do you make a beautiful scrapbook? ›

One of the easiest ways to create a DIY scrapbook is to simply collect your pages, hole punch them, and use binder rings to hold them together. Your scrapbook can be as thin or as thick as you'd like, and you can always go back and remove or add more pages later.

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17 Creative Scrapbook Ideas for your Photos
  1. Use a Map for a Background. ...
  2. Cut Fun Photos into Shapes. ...
  3. Ditch the Glue. ...
  4. Add an Envelope for Bits and Bobs. ...
  5. Press Flowers for a Pop of Color. ...
  6. Two Words: Washi Tape. ...
  7. Embroider Your Journey. ...
  8. Use Paint Chips.
Apr 27, 2018

What is usually in a scrapbook? ›

Scrapbooking is a method of preserving, presenting, and arranging personal and family history in the form of a book, box, or card. Typical memorabilia include photographs, printed media, and artwork. Scrapbook albums are often decorated and frequently contain extensive journal entries or written descriptions.

Do you write in a scrapbook? ›

The most typical way of scrapbook journaling is by writing the notes or comments by hand, but if your penmanship is hard to read, opt for using a computer and printer or ask someone else to write for you. Journaling gives the scrapbook pictures life as they unfold on each page.

Why is it called scrapbook? ›

Coining of the Word Scrapbook

The 1800s also brought the creation of the word "scrapbook". The first recorded use of the noun “scrap book,” to refer to a book with blank pages for pasting items into, is believed to be in 1821.

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Use a Special Photo on the Cover

If your scrapbook has a specific theme—like a trip you took—showcase your favorite photo on the cover. This decoupage technique looks super professional, but is easy enough for beginners to pull off. Get the tutorial at A Beautiful Mess.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.