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Multimedia electronic mail : standards and performance simulation.· 2016. 6. 16.· reviewedwithframeofbackground,coding,compression,andcurrentstatus. With theinformation from - [PDF Document] (1)

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Theses and Dissertations Thesis Collection


Multimedia electronic mail: standards and

performance simulation

Choi, Nag Jung

Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School

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Multimedia electronic mail : standards and performance simulation.· 2016. 6. 16.· reviewedwithframeofbackground,coding,compression,andcurrentstatus. With theinformation from - [PDF Document] (3)


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Multimedia electronic mail : standards and performance simulation.· 2016. 6. 16.· reviewedwithframeofbackground,coding,compression,andcurrentstatus. With theinformation from - [PDF Document] (6)


THESISMultimedia Electronic Mail: Standards


Performance Simulation


Choi, Nag Jung

March, 1992

Thesis Advisor: Myung W. Suh

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.


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Multimedia electronic mail : standards and performance simulation.· 2016. 6. 16.· reviewedwithframeofbackground,coding,compression,andcurrentstatus. With theinformation from - [PDF Document] (8)







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Monterey, CA 93943-5000

7b ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code)

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program Element No Project N*. Work Unit Aae>iion


1 1 . TITLE (Include Security Classification)


12 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) Choi, Nag Jung


Master's Thesis


From To

14 DATE OF REPORT (year, month, day)

March 1992




The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S




1 8 SUBJECT TERMS (continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)

Multimedia; Electronic Mail; Standards; Standardization; Simulation. LAN; ODA; CGM;JPEG; MPEG

19 ABSTRACT (continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)

This thesis surveys the current multimedia electronic mail (e-mail) related standards. The increasing demands for interoperability pushed the

international standardization organizations to develop standards for e-mail. The multimedia e-mail related standards include X.400 and ODA.ODA supports formatted text, raster graphics, and geometric graphics. The future standard will be able to support high bandwidth uses such as

high-resolution color still-image, full-motion video, voice, and audio. The future components of multimedia e-mail will include TIFT' for i aster

graphics, CGM for geometric graphics, JPEG for high resolution color still-image, and MPEG for full-motion video. These multimedia data

require vast amounts of storage, processing time, and transmission bandwidth. The standardization efforts can be viewed as selecting the l.iv-i

combination of these three (actors, interoperability, and timing consideration. According to this view, the .standard for each component is

reviewed with frame of background, coding, compression, and current status. With the information from the survey study, a simulation sliin \ s

conducted to investigate the performance of LAN where multimedia data are transmitted. The simulation results show that the hiph resoh:! ton

image browsing activity in a LAN will burden the low speed LANs The adoption of compression chips or high speed LANs such a.- FDDI will

make such high bandwidth activities feasible.





Myung W. Suh22b TELEPHONE (Include Area code)

(408)646 2637


DD FORM 1473, 84 MAR 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted

All other editions are obsolete


Multimedia electronic mail : standards and performance simulation.· 2016. 6. 16.· reviewedwithframeofbackground,coding,compression,andcurrentstatus. With theinformation from - [PDF Document] (9)

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Multimedia Electronic Mail: Standards


Performance Simulation


Choi, Nag Jung

Captain, Republic of Korea Army

B.S., Korea Military Academy, 1987

Submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of


from the


March 1992


Multimedia electronic mail : standards and performance simulation.· 2016. 6. 16.· reviewedwithframeofbackground,coding,compression,andcurrentstatus. With theinformation from - [PDF Document] (10)


This thesis surveys the current multimedia electronic mail (e-mail) related standards.

The increasing demands for interoperability pushed the international standardization

organizations to develop standards for e-mail. The multimedia e-mail related standards include

X.400 and ODA. ODA supports formatted text, raster graphics, and geometric graphics. The

future standards will be able to support high bandwidth uses such as high-resolution color

still-image, full-motion video, voice, and audio. The future components of multimedia e-

mail include TIFF for raster graphics, CGM for geometric graphics, JPEG for high resolution

color still-image, and MPEG for full-motion video. These multimedia data require vast

amounts of storage, processing time, and transmission bandwidth. The standardization

efforts can be viewed as selecting the best combination of these three factors, interoperability,

and timing consideration. According to this view, the standard for each component is

reviewed with frame of background, coding, compression, and current status. With the

information from the survey study, a simulation study is conducted to investigate the

performance of LAN where multimedia data are transmitted. The simulation results show that

the high resolution image browsing activity in a LAN will burden the low speed LANs. The

adoption of compression chips or high speed LANs such as FDDI will make such high

bandwidth activities feasible.


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1. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 6

2. International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee



1. Overview 8

2. The structure of MHS 9


1. Overview 11

2. Document profile 13

3. Document structure 14


Multimedia electronic mail : standards and performance simulation.· 2016. 6. 16.· reviewedwithframeofbackground,coding,compression,andcurrentstatus. With theinformation from - [PDF Document] (12)


4. Interchange format (ODIF and ODL) 16

5. Document processing 18

6. Content structure 19




1. Background 22

2. Coding 22

3. Compression 23

4. Current status 23


1. Background 24

2. Coding 26

3. Compression 29

4. Current status 30


1. Background 30

2. Coding 33

3. Compression 36

4. Current status 37

E. MOTION VIDEO: MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) 37

Multimedia electronic mail : standards and performance simulation.· 2016. 6. 16.· reviewedwithframeofbackground,coding,compression,andcurrentstatus. With theinformation from - [PDF Document] (13)

1. Background 37

2. Coding 39

3. Compression 42

4. Current status 44




1. System definition 47

2. Simulation model 47


1. SIMAN 52

2. LANNET II.5 53







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Figure 1. The MHS and ODA in GOSIP environment 2

Figure 2. A MHS message and a letter 9

Figure 3. The MHS model 10

Figure 4. The composition of ODA 13

Figure 5. Layout structure 16

Figure 6. Document Processing Model 19

Figure 7. CGM and its relation to graphics application environment 24

Figure 8. Structure of a CGM 28

Figure 9. Organization of photographic standardization 32

Figure 10. Processing step for baseline DCT model 34

Figure 11. Three types of pictures 41

Figure 12. MPEG Coding process 43

Figure 13. Graphical representation of modeling LAN 50

Figure 14. An example of LANNET II.5 user interface 54

Figure 15. Utilization results from LANNET II.5 58

Figure 16. Average delay results from LANNET II.5 59

Figure 17. Utilization results from SIMAN 60

Figure 18. Average delay results from SIMAN 61


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The technologies in telecommunication changed the concepts about geographical

distances and boundaries of the world. The innovative new technologies are implemented

and being offered to the public in breathtaking speed. One of the new technologies is

the multimedia electronic mail (e-mail). As in the telephone network, the increase of

value which the user gets from the e-mail system is proportional to the increasing number

of subscribers. If one subscriber cannot communicate with other subscribers, the value

of the network will decrease. The interconnection and interoperation with others

motivated the standardization efforts, both nationally and internationally, backed by

governmental organizations and private industries.

Multimedia e-mail is an application of multimedia computing and

telecommunications. It combines various media (e.g., text, raster graphics, vector

graphics, still-images, full-motion video, spreadsheets, animations, voice, and audio)

into electronic document form to transmit to remote recipients. The potential usefulness

of multimedia e-mail is enormous. It will significantly enhance the individual's

communication skill and efficiency by selecting the most suitable form of media for

communicating ideas.

The need for standards on multimedia e-mail system is widely recognized. For

example, the U.S. government adopted the standards for multimedia e-mail as a part of

Government Open System Interconnection Protocol (GOSIP). The two major standards


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~ X.400 [Message Handling System (MHS)] and Office Document Architecture (ODA)

— are a part of GOSIP [Ref. 2]. Figure 1 illustrates the position of MHS and ODA in

GOSIP environment.





Office Document Architecture





(MHS)(cenr 1984)

File Transfer, Access and Management

(FTAM) (ISO 857 1-4)

Virtual Terminal

(VT) (ISO 9041)

Association Control Service Element

(ISO 8650)

Connection-oriented Presentation Protocol

(ISO 8623)

Session Layer

Transport Layer

Network Layer

Data Link Layer

Physical Layer

Figure 1. The MHS and ODA in GOSIP environment


There are many studies on multimedia e-mail systems, but some are too broad to

show detailed pictures and some are too narrow to show the whole scene. The main

intention of this thesis is to provide the reader with a clear, current, and in-depth view

of multimedia e-mail system and their standardization environment by surveying its

standards organizations and related standards. In addition to the survey part, a basic

Multimedia electronic mail : standards and performance simulation.· 2016. 6. 16.· reviewedwithframeofbackground,coding,compression,andcurrentstatus. With theinformation from - [PDF Document] (18)

simulation analysis is done to investigate the performance of a Local Area Network

(LAN) where multimedia data are transmitted.


One of the difficulties inherent in studying multimedia e-mail is the dynamic

standards environment in which it operates. The development life cycle of current

technologies is getting short. These fast and continuously changing technologies and

standards required the author to focus on the most up-to-date information at the time of

writing. In the survey study, most of the information came from current technical

journals, and computer and communication related magazines. General multimedia

applications, multimedia e-mail, and MHS related studies can be found in [Ref. 1 - 17].

General ODA information came from [Ref. 18 - 24], and ODA components standards

information came from [Ref. 25 - 80].

In the simulation part, the subset of multimedia LAN is modeled and simulated

using both LAN-oriented simulation tool and a general simulation language. Also,

related studies [Ref. 81-89] are investigated to support the results.


The main body of this thesis is composed of four chapters: multimedia e-mail and

its related standards, components standards, modeling of a multimedia LAN, and

analysis of the simulation results.

Chapter II reviews the major international organizations for standardization which

include International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Telegraph

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and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT). These organizations' structure and the

procedure of standardization are briefly reviewed. The multimedia e-mail related

standards are described with an emphasis on Message Handling Systems (MHS) and


Chapter III surveys the content structure of ODA which defines the format of the

message components of multimedia e-mail. Included are current components (e.g. , text,

raster graphics, and geometric graphics) and future components (still-image and full-

motion video).

Chapter IV models a subset of multimedia LAN based on information from

previous chapters. The model describes an image browsing activity in a token ring

network which has transmission speeds of 4, 16, or 100 Mbps. The model takes into

account the effect of multimedia data, e.g. , vast amount of transmission needs, and the

application of compression technologies.

Chapter V verifies, presents, and analyzes the simulation results. Two properties

of LAN performance are collected and presented. The results from different simulation

tools and language are compared to verify the model.

Chapter VI contains a summary and conclusions.

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Electronic mail (e-mail) is now widely recognized as providing an effective means

of asynchronous communication between computer users, bridging the gap between the

traditional paper and telephone-based forms of communication. But, the current e-mail

supports the message which only contains text form of information. Multimedia mail is

an extension of the text-based e-mail model to incorporate formatted text, voice, stereo

audio, raster and vector graphics, animations, and full-motion video. The power of

multimedia mail lies in its ability to improve communications and promote group

collaboration by conveying information in one or more media to one or more users, thus

allowing the communication of ideas and concepts in the most suitable medium or

combination of media.

Compared with text-only e-mail, multimedia mail needs more sophisticated

technologies and standards for creating, editing, transferring, and viewing messages.

The standards are critical for multimedia mail. Without a standard representation format,

users can never be certain that any multimedia messages they send will actually be

readable by its recipients [Ref. 10]. Few users will spend time to create multimedia

documents if they do not expect them to be readable.

This chapter describes the role international organizations play in the multimedia

mail area and overviews their major outcomes: Office Document Architecture (ODA) and

X.400-series recommendations. ODA defines the architecture of documents to be

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exchanged as contents of multimedia mail, and X.400 represents protocols for e-mail

interchange. This paper will focus on ODA and its components rather than on X.400

standards since the former has more direct impacts on network traffic than the latter.

Chapter III will provide a detailed survey of ODA components such as TIFF (Tagged

Interchange File Format), CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile), JPEG (Joint

Photographic Expert Group), and MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group).



1. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a voluntary, non-

treaty agency of the United Nations. The scope of studies in ISO is very broad and

includes such fields as agriculture, nuclear systems, fabrics, documents used in

commerce, library science, computer systems, and computer communication [Ref. 1].

The majority of the work in ISO is handled in the technical committees (TC) and their

subunits named subcommittees (SC) and working groups (WG). The development of an

ISO standard is a time-consuming process because many countries and steps are involved.

A brief summary of the process is provided here [Ref. 17]:

• A new proposal is assigned to a technical committee (TC) which produces a

document containing the technical features of the specification. This document is

called a working draft (WD).

• As a result of technical review and editorial refinements on the WD, a modified

document is prepared. At this time, the document becomes a draft proposal (DP).

• The TC and the Central Secretariat review the proposal and issue it as a draft

international standard (DIS). At this juncture, the major comments and

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corrections have been taken into account, and the document is circulated for a

member body vote.

• The DIS is reviewed and voted upon by members, and eventually published as an

international standard (IS). At this point, the document is considered to be

technically and editorially correct. It is then published in French, English, and


Technical Committee 97 (TC97) deals with information technology. Its

subcommittee 18 (SC18) is developing standards for e-mail system interconnection, or

text preparation and interchange. Working Group 3 (WG3) of SCI 8 is developing

standards for a message body format and is further along in this area than most other

standards organizations. WG 4 is developing standards for a message heading format

and for massaging-related protocols [Ref. 8].

2. International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)

The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee is a

member of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a treaty organization

formed in 1965. CCITT sponsors a number of recommendations dealing primarily with

data communications networks, telephone switches, and digital systems and terminals.

Like other standards organizations, CCITT is also criticized for its lengthy process in

making standards available to the public. CCITT's usual process of standardization is

summarized as follows:

• Standards group sets up a broad framework from which the standard could be


• The standard is made as detailed as possible, given a time constraint.

• The standard might be issued with certain pieces unfinished (with the notation

"Further Study").

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• The standard is then published.

• As it is used, the "gaps" are filled in, deficiencies are noted, and modifications

are made in the light of practical operating experience.

• Whole process takes four years. At the end of each process, CCITT publishes

updated series of recommendations. Those books are identified by color of covers.

The 1960 books were red; 1964, blue; 1968, white; 1972, green; 1976, orange;

1980, yellow; 1984, once again red; 1988, blue [Ref. 16].

The CCITT Study Group VII is responsible for the X-series

recommendations. CCITT' s Study Group VII (SG VII) began work on e-mail system

interconnection officially in March 1981. Its comprehensive work should culminate in

specifications for message handling services: namely, the submission, relaying, and

delivery protocols; the structure of user names; the format of the heading and body of

messages; and methods of inter-working with Teletex terminals [Ref. 8]. The X-series

recommendations are categorized according to the functions and services they provide

and are then further classified into the specific recommendations.


1. Overview

CCITT published the initial Message Handling Systems (MHS) standards in

1984, and improved and extended the original standards in 1988. They consist of nine

recommendations from X.400 to X.420.

The MHS standards define two types of services to support e-mail. First,

the Message Transfer Service (MTS) is responsible for application-independent delivery.

Its operations are centered on the envelop of the message. Second, the Interpersonal

Messaging (IPM) Service supports communications with existing telex and telematic


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services and defines specific user interfaces with MHS. It is responsible for the contents

within the envelope. Figure 2 shows the correspondence between an MHS message and

a conventional mail.

^^^From Address

To Address











;; Body of letter :j:•



Figure 2. A MHS message and a letter

2. The structure of MHS

MHS consists of five elements: User Agent (UA), Message Transfer Agent

(MTA), Message store (MS), and Access Unit (AU). Figure 3 shows the relationship

among these elements.

The User Agent (UA) is responsible for directly interfacing with the end user.

It prepares, submits, and receives messages for the user. The services UA provides

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Message Handling System (MHS)

UA Message Transfer System (MTS)

Routing and relaying


UA s

Submission and delivery

UA: User Agent

MTA: Message Transfer Agent

MS: Message Store

AU: Access Units




Figure 3. The MHS model [Ref. 16]

are summarized as follows:

• Text editing and presentation services for end users

• User-friendly interaction

• Security, priority provision, delivery notification, and distribution of subsets of


UAs are grouped into classes by MHS based on the types of messages they can process.

These UAs are then called cooperating UAs.

The Message Transfer Agent (MTA) provides the routing and relaying of the

message. This function is responsible for the store-and-forward path, channel security,


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and the actual message routing through the communications media. A collection of

MTAs is called the Message Transfer System (MTS).

The Message Store (MS) provides for the storage of messages and support

their submission and retrieval. The MS complements the UA for machines such as

personal computers and terminals that are not continuously available. The job of MS is

to provide storage that is continuously available.

The Access Unit (AU) supports connections to other types of communications

systems, such as telematic services, postal services, etc.

The MHS conveys three kinds of information: message, probes, and

reports. The message consists of the envelope which carries the information needed to

transfer the message and the content which is the information the originating UA wishes

delivered to one or more UAs.

The probe is an information object that only contains an envelope. It is

delivered to the MTAs serving the end users. It is used to determine if the message can

be delivered.

The report is a status indicator. It is used by the MTS to relate the progress

or outcome of a message's or probe's transmission to one or more potential users.


1. Overview

ODA is an international standard to facilitate the exchange of multimedia

documents, as defined by ISO 8613 [Information Processing - Text and Office System-

Office Document Architecture] developed by ISO TC97/SC18. The development started


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in 1982 and was finally standardized after seven-year efforts in 1988. But the process

is still going on to allow us to add more components to a document. Current standards

only allow formatted text, raster graphics, and geometric 1

graphics, but the future

standards will include video, voice, audio, animation, etc.

Currently, American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is

the only vendor-independent and most widely used format for text data exchange, but

it is useless for exchanging information regarding the layout and the character attributes

such as holding, underlining, and italicizing. On the other hand, ODA supports the

interchange of documents which contain picture and tabular materials. ODA will

promote the communication of the intentions of the author with respect to content and

appearance in different presentation media by means of a common set of rules. ODA

is a complex standard because almost every program for processing text, graphics, and

images has its own format for describing and storing information.

The ODA standard is composed of seven parts as seen in Figure 4. Part I

overviews the overall framework of ODA and the remaining parts describe details of the

following issues:

• Document profile

• Document structure

• Interchange format

• Document processing

• Content format.

1 Vector graphics is another name for geometric graphics.


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ODA(ISO 8613)

Overview of the architecture

Document architecture

Document and application

ODIF and ODL- Document interchange format


Vector graphics

Raster graphics




Figure 4. The composition of ODA

Each of these issues will be briefly discussed in this section.

2. Document profile

The document profile is sent as a header at the start of data stream. The

profile can be sent separately from the document itself to help the recipient decide

whether he can process the document (recipient with text-only screen may not view the

graphics portion of the document). If the receiving system is not able to process the

profile, the originator need not bother sending the attached document.

The document profile consists of a set of attributes at the higher level in the

document structure. The first part identifies the title, author and date the document was

created. The second part includes a set of attributes applied to the document as a whole


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[Ref. 22]. The role of document profile in a document is to give an overall definition

of the document characteristics, specifying the following:

• Its title, version number, subject, summary, table of contents, etc.

• Its history: author's name, day of creation, modification, period of validity,

organization responsibility for the document.

• The form of document: formatted, processable, or formatted processable.

• Its internal characteristics: nature of the objects, a list of fonts, character sets and

character attributes used within the entire document [Ref. 19, 22].

3. Document structure

The document structure answers the question of how ODA sees and describes

a document. In ODA, a document is an amount of structured information that can be

interchanged as a unit. The overall document architecture is the collection of rules for

defining the structure and representation of document [Ref. 22].

ODA structure consists of logical structure and layout structure. The logical

structure associates the content of the document with a hierarchy of logical objects such

as summaries, titles, sections, paragraphs, figures, and tables. The layout structure

associates the same content with a hierarchy of layout objects such as page sets, pages,

frames, columns, blocks, etc. This separation provides more than two means of

interchange. The layout view is useful for interchange of information regarding a

document's appearance; the logical view is useful for exchanging content that may be


The logical structure divides the contents of a document as a function of the

semantic description desired by the author. In this way, the notions of chapter,


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paragraph, summary, note, indent, table of content, etc, may appear [Ref. 19].

There are three types of logical objects ODA allows: basic, composite, and root

(document). Basic objects have no subordinates and they include the objects such as

date, subject, paragraph, graphic, image, and signature. The composites have

subordinates of basic objects and they include header, summary, figure, etc. The root

is the top level and it has subordinates of composite objects.

To present a document on paper or on a screen, the logical structure is no

longer necessary. The document must then be divided into physical areas taking into

consideration of characteristics of the rendition equipment (e.g., screen, printer) and

the author's intentions expressed by layout styles associated with the logical objects. The

logical tree is converted into a layout tree — a tree-like structure of objects directly

adapted to the imaging of the document. These objects are page sets, pages and objects

within a page: frames and blocks [Ref. 19]. The layout structure of a document is

illustrated in Figure 5.

The page set is a composite layout object that consists of one or more pages

and/or one or more subordinate page sets, which need to be identified as a group.

A page is a rectangular area that corresponds to a unit of the presentation

medium (e.g., printer, screen, plotter). It is the reference area used for positioning

and imaging the content of the document.

A frame is a rectangular layout area within a page or within a frame of a

higher hierarchical level. Frames define boundaries within a page for the layout of the



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Figure 5. Layout structure

A block is a rectangular area containing one or more content portions of the

same content architecture [Ref. 20].

4. Interchange format (ODIF and ODL)

ODA provides two formats for document interchange: Office Document

Interchange Format (ODIF) and Office Document Language (ODL). ODIF was the only

format for ODA document interchange (1984 standard) and later the second format,

ODL, was added (1988 standard).

Both interchange formats work with three types of documents [Ref. 19, 22]:

• Processable document: the result of the editing process, which will be represented

by logical objects whose content is revisable. It may be both edited and formatted.

It is the form for the exchange of revisable documents without including


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instructions for presentation. The logical generic structure and the styles can

accompany the document during interchange.

• Formatted document: the result of the layout process, which will be represented

by layout objects whose content is not itself revisable. This allows the interchange

of the image of a finished document. The layout generic structure may sometimes

accompany the document to factorize repetitive entities.

• Formatted processable document: the result of the editing and layout processes.

For this category documents, there will be coexistence of both logical and layout

structures. This form allows documents to be presented as well as edited and

formatted. Contents will include marks which will identify commands added

during the layout process.


The Office Document Interchange Format defines the coding of objects,

styles and contents of structure documents. The interchange format specifies two things:

First, the sequence in which descriptors and text units appear (e.g., logical structure

descriptors precede layout structure descriptors); second, the abstract syntax for

interchange, as defined by ISO 8824 (Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One:

ASN.l)and CCITT X.419.

ODIF is a binary encoding of ODA documents. It is a machine-

readable format designed for use in OSI network [Ref. 22]. Within a data stream, the

information is ordered according to the rules of the standard. There are two sets of rules

for ODIF: [Ref. 22]

• Interchange format class A: This set of rules is used to exchange any type of ODAdocument: formatted, processable, or formatted processable.

• Interchange format class B: This set does not support the generic or specific

logical structures and is therefore only used to exchange formatted documents for

presentation on recipient's system. This format is equivalent to sending a file in

a page description language.


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b. Office Document Language (ODL)

ODL is an Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)2

application for describing ODA documents in human-readable format. ODL is

technically equivalent to ODIF, but there are several significant difference.

• ODL can send a document which is divided into several files. In ODIF, a

document must be sent as one complete file

• ODL provides a way of retaining the entire structure of a document using SGMLsyntax. In ODIF, all entities related to a document are transmitted as part of the

itself such that there is no means of retaining the entire structure of a document.

• ODL transmits a document in human-readable clear-text format.

• ODL provides a more convenient way for publication industry and DoD which

already make use of SGML.

5. Document processing

The document processing includes three processes: editing, layout, and

image generation. The editing process is used to create or reprocess a document. The

author manipulates the logical objects making up his document and the various contents

associated with them. If a document conforms to a prerecorded document class, this is

represented by a logical generic document class. Such a document is described by a

logical generic structure which guides the editing process by requiring the author to

respect the characteristics of the class [Ref. 19]. The layout process converts the logical

structure of the document into a layout structure. Finally, the image generation process

2 SGML is ISO standard 8879 (1986). It is a document representation language for

describing information in a standard notation, or syntax. Currently, there are two public

application of SGML in widespread use: one developed by the Association of American

Publishers (AAP) for use in books and journals and one developed by the U.S.

Department of Defense (DoD) for use in technical publications.


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(presentation process) enables the document to be represented in a language adapted to

the imaging environment. This process can compose the image of a page by positioning

the character and graphic areas correctly and transfer the bitmap image of the page to a

printer or screen. One can imagine translations of the layout structure into page

description languages used today on various printers (e.g., PostScript, DDL)[Ref. 19].

Figure 6 shows the three processes of editing, layout, and image generation.





































Figure 6. Document Processing Model [Ref. 20]

6. Content structure

The ODA document content includes characters, geometric graphics, and

bitmap graphics. These are the basic contents which ODA currently supports. Chapter

III will give more detailed discussions on each of these components.


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Until now, ODA allows formatted text, raster graphics, and vector graphics. But

the future standards will include still image, motion video, and audio. Current ODA

content standards approved by ISO are formatted text, TIFF (Tagged Image File

Format) for raster graphics which is also standard format for Group IV FAX, and CGM

for vector graphics.

This chapter will survey the general background and current status of each of these

standard as well as future considerations for still image and full-motion video.


While character content architecture is based on several ISO and CCITT standards

and recommendations3, its basic architecture is ISO 8613-6 [Information Processing -

Text and Office Systems-Office-Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format -

Part 6: Character Content Architectures] and CCITT Recommendation T.416 (Blue

Book, 1988) [Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Character

3. ISO 2022 (1986): Information processing - ISO 7-bit and 8-bit coded character

sets - Code extension techniques.

. ISO 6429 (1983): Information processing - ISO 7-bit and 8-bit coded character

sets - Additional control functions for character imaging devices.

. ISO 6937 (1983): Information processing - Coded character sets for text


CCITT Rec. T.50 (1988): International alphabet No. 5.

CCITT Rec. X.208 (1988): Specification of abstract syntax notation one (ASN. 1).

CCITT Rec. T.61 (1988): Character repertories and coded character sets for the

international Teletex service.

ISO 9541-5 (1991 DS): Information processing - Font and character information

interchange - Font attributes and character model.


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Content Architectures]. Character content part of ODA consists of fourteen sections

dealing with character content formats, character positioning and imaging, attributes,

definitions, control functions, layout and imaging process, etc.

As in ODA document, there are three classes of character content format:

formatted, processable, and formatted processable. Formatted content is for layout and

imaging of that content, but not for editing. Processable content is content which has

not been laid out. Formatted processable content is content that is structured such that

it contains both the formatted content and the processable content as subset.

The positioning of a character is decided by directions, position point, character

baseline, and escape point. Start-aligned, end-aligned, centered, and justified provide

alignment of a block. To support international language, it support reversed

presentation direction.

Four groups of specifications apply to the imaging of graphic character elements.

Those are emphasis, font selection, subscript and superscript, and character

combinations. Methods of emphasis are weight (faint, normal intensity, and bold),

posture (not italicized, italicized), underlining (not underlined, underlined , doubly

underlined) . Blinking (steady, slowly blinking, rapidly blinking), image inversion

(positive image, BEBBfflS), and crossing-out (not crossed-out, crossed out). For

font selection, the document profile specify the font used and characteristics. ODA

character content architecture follows ISO font standard ISO 9541.SuPcrscriPl and subscript is

accomplished by partial line down (PLD), partial line up (PLU), line position backward

(VPB), and line position relative (VPR) control functions.


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1. Background

Raster graphics part of ODA is Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) which

supports high-resolution bit-mapped gray-scale and color images, with compression

optional. Its related standards are CCll'l recommendation T.4 (1988) [Standardization

of Group 3 Facsimile Apparatus for Document Transmission], T.6 (1988) [Facsimile

coding Schemes and Coding Control Functions for Group 4 Facsimile Apparatus] and

X.208 (1988) [Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.l)]. There are two

classes of raster graphics content architecture. One is formatted, which allows for

document content to be presented as intended by the originator. Another class is

formatted processable, which can be processed as well as be presented as intended by

the originator.

2. Coding

Raster graphics content uses following encoding schemes:

• Group 4 facsimile encoding scheme (CCITT Rec. T.6)

• Group 3 facsimile encoding scheme (CCITT Rec. T.4)

• bitmap encoding scheme

CCITT Rec. T.6 specifies the principle of the Group 4 coding scheme as


The coding scheme uses a two-dimensional line-by-line method in which the

position of each changing picture element on the current coding line is coded with

respect the position of a corresponding reference element situated on either the

coding line or the reference line which is immediately above the coding line. After

the coding line has been coded, it becomes the reference line for the next coding

line. The reference line for the first line in a page is an imaginary white line.


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The coding line is referenced to previous line and run length is decided by three coding

modes (pass, vertical, and horizontal mode). Then, the run length is translated into


The Group 3 apparatus uses one-dimensional run length coding scheme. Rec.

T.4 describes its coding scheme as follows:

A line of data is composed of series of variable length code words. Each code

work represents a run length of either all white or all black. White runs and runs

alternate. A total of 1728 picture elements represent one horizontal scan line of

215 length. The code words are of two types: Terminating code words and Mark-

up code words. Each run length is represented by either one Terminating code

word or one Mark-up code word followed by a Terminating code word.

Another coding scheme used in Group 3 facsimile is two-dimensional coding

which is optional and identical to Group 4 facsimile coding scheme.

Third encoding scheme is bitmap encoding in which each pixel or element

is mapped with one-to-one way. Each element is represented by a single bit which has

value '0' or ' 1' depending on the state of the element (pixel). The resulting array of bits

which represents a row is encoded by a string of octets. If the number of bits in each

row of the array is not a multiple of eight, then it is extended by the minimum number

of '0' bits such that the last bit aligns on an octet boundary.

3. Compression

Currently, both hardware and software compression provide maximum of

255:1 compression ratio on bitmapped file [Ref. 31].

4. Current status

TIFF file format is widely accepted and the majority of graphics applications

provides import and/or export of this file format both in PC and Apple computer.


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1. Background

A graphical metafile is a mechanism for the capture, storage, and transport

of graphical information [Ref. 51]. It provides a data format for picture archiving, a

single standard interface to picture-generating devices, and the glue for unifying and

integrating distinct graphics applications and hardware/software systems in a distributed

computing environment. Figure 7 illustrates functions of Computer Graphics Metafile

(CGM) related to graphics application environment.





Graphics package









Figure 7. CGM and its relation to graphics application environment

The CGM is the ISO standard that defines the functionality and encoding for

pictures stored on computer systems [Ref. 55]. It is a component standard of ODA


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documents consisting of text, raster graphics, and vector graphics. CGM for the

storage and transfer of picture-description information enables pictures to be recorded for

long-term storage, to be exchanged between graphics devices, systems and installations.

In October 1981, ISO TC97/SC5/WG2 [Computer Graphics] established a

metafile subgroup that was given the task of:

• developing a framework in which graphical metafiles can be studied, developed

and related to other standards;

• designing a metafile standard proposal and recommending whatever 'work items'

would be needed in this area to produce the desired standard.

The history of standardization is well described in [Ref. 43].

The metafile subgroup had its first meeting in 1882. The aim of this project was

to create a system-independent graphics metafile that can be used with a wide range

of systems and devices. The subgroup has based its work on experiences with

various metafiles and Graphics Kernel System (GKS) and its metafile. However,

the greatest impact has come from the metafile group of the American National

Standards Institute (ANSI) X3H33. The group has been developing a national U.S.

standard for a metafile that originally called "Virtual Device Metafile VDM"[ANSI82]. Meanwhile, the ISO metafile project has been names "Computer

Graphics - Metafile for the Storage and Transfer of Picture Description Information

(CGM)" . The CGM is a basic metafile containing static consistent pictures without

a picture structure and without a dynamic picture change facility. The CGM is

defined in a multi-part standard (ISO 8632/1 to IS08632/4, currently 1985 at DIS

stage [IS085c]). Part 1 of the standard defines the CGM functionality, Part 2

contains a character coding based on ISO 2022 code extension techniques, and

Part 3 defines a binary coding. In part 4, a clear text coding which can be

written, read, and edited in the same way as plain text is specified.

The CGM standard was published as an ISO standard in 1987. In the United

States, American National Standard Institute (ANSI) published it as ANSI X3. 122-1986.

The U.S. government adopted the CGM as a Federal Information Processing Standard

(FIPS) 128 [Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)] in March 1987, and the Department

of Defence (DoD) published a military specification MIL-D-28003 [Digital


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Representation for Communication of Illustration Data: CGM Application Profile] in

December 1988. Also, it has been given a considerable push towards very wide

acceptance by its adoption within the DoD Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics

Support (CALS) initiative.

2. Coding

Pictures are described in the CGM standard as a collection of elements of

different kinds, representing, for example, primitives, attributes, and control

information. CGM is a static picture capture metafile, which means it contains no

elements with dynamic effects on partially defined picture.

The CGM standard consists of four parts; Part 1: elements and structure,

Part 2: character encoding, Part 3: binary encoding, and Part 4: clear text encoding.

• Part 1 is a functional specification. All standardized elements are identified, their

parameterizations are described, and their meanings are defined.

• Part 2 defines a character encoding of graphics metafiles. Opcode and parameter

data are encoded by characters from ASCII (ISO 2022) character set. The

resulting encoded data consists of printable characters. The encoding is compact

and can be transmitted directly through standard character-oriented communications


• Part 3 defines a binary encoding of graphics metafiles. It is intended for

applications in which speed of generation and speed of transmission are most

important. The format for encoded data are either chosen for their similarity to

data formats in computers, or designed for fast decoding and processing.

• Part 4 defines clear text encoding of graphics metafiles. It is human readable

format. It is transmissible with standard character-oriented services, but is not

very compact and relatively slow to generate and interpret. An important feature

is its ease of comprehension and manipulation using standard text editors. It has

a format-free notation, comparable to modern, high-level programming language



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A CGM is structured as a series of levels: metafile level, picture level, and

picture body level. A metafile consists of a metafile descriptor and several picture

descriptions. The metafile descriptor contains information valid for the whole metafile -

- version of a metafile, metafile description. Picture descriptions are self-contained.

Pictures are bounded by picture-by-picture delimiters. A picture starts with a picture

descriptor that contains information about how this particular picture is stored and

information about scaling for specific device. Picture body contains the definition of the

picture, describing the graphical content of the picture. The graphical primitive

elements defines the geometric objects that make up the picture ~ lines, text, circles,

curves, etc. CGM contains a rich set of primitives for lines, markers, filled areas,

text, and generalized raster function. The structure of CGM is illustrated in Figure 8.

For color attributes, CGM provides two modes of color specifications -

indexed and direct. In indexed mode, color is selected by pointing to a color table

located at each workstation. For each COLOR INDEX value, the color table contains

an entry which specifies color in terms of Red/Green/Blue (RGB) intensities in the range

[0, 1]. In direct mode, the parameters of the color-specification elements are RGB

triples. Initially, CGM only supported RGB color specification. But in later

amendment (amendment 3), CGM was enhanced to support CYMK

(Cyan/Yellow/Magenta/Black) and CIE (Commission Internationale L'Eclairage) color


CGM specifies three ways of encodings, i.e. character, binary, and clear-

text, for the functional description. The character encoding uses American Standard


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Control, Primitive and Attributes ElementsPicture


Figure 8. Structure of a CGM [Ref. 56]

Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) printing characters, the binary encoding uses

8-bit bytes, and the clear-text encoding is human-readable. A metafile in one encoding

can be translated to another encoding without loss of information. A number of graphics

packages can read in a CGM in one encoding, and output it in another. There are also

graphics utilities that can convert one encoding to another. The methods, advantages

and disadvantages of each encoding methods are summarized in Table 1



character encoding binary encoding clean-text encoding



ASCII printing


8-bit byte clear-text (human



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advantages . concise

. can be

transmitted over

any network

. easier

. quicker

. fairly concise

. can be edited with

normal text editor

disadvantage . require more

processing time

. cause problems

for some networks

. not concise

3. Compression

The compression ofCGM has less significance than the compression of raster

graphics or full-motion video because the size of a CGM metafile is relatively small

compared to other components, and the compression ratio can vary with the encoding

methods. Arnold, Liapakis, Reynolds, and Vezirgiannis [Ref. 56] conducted

experiments on the efficient encoding of metafiles for transmission over network. To

reduce the overall length of a metafile, they tried reordering the elements, delaying of

the encoding of an attribute change until such time as a primitive element that uses the

attribute is encountered, and catchall shorthand for the encoding of a metafile element

list by setting it to DRAWING PLUS CONTROL SET. They devised, implemented,

and tested the compression techniques for the binary encoding. The result is that an

average of 9 % of space was saved.

Another consideration can be given to the compression of metafile itself.

Current data compression utilities4can give from roughly 2:1 to 3:1 compression on

clear-text files. In the cases of character and binary encoding, the range of compression

4 Reduce, Stacpack, PKZIP, ARJ221A, LHA213, and PAK251


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ratio roughly varies between 1:1 and 3:1. If CGM specific compression technique is

devised, the ratio will be greater.

4. Current status

Currently, there are a number of ISO and ANSI graphics standard,

including Initial Graphic Exchange Specification(IGES), Graphical Kernel System

(GKS), GKS-3D(GKS-dimensional), CGM, and Programmers' Hierarchical Interactive

Graphics System (PHIGS). Among them, CGM gets wide a support from industry and

government sectors. The wide adoption of CGM as a graphics standard is demonstrated

by the following events:

• CGM was adopted as the picture-defining protocol of ODA.

• In March 1987, the U.S. government announced its adoption of CGM as the

Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS 128) [Ref. 52].

• In December 1988, U.S. DoD published its military specification MIL-D-28003

[Digital representation for communication of illustration data: CGM application

profile.] [Ref. 48].

• In May 1991, the U.S. government starts the CGM test service to determine

whether the CGM format is both successful and a practical method of sharing

images across diverse computer platform.

On the other side, the CGM is revised to provide the needs of application

groups. The first amendment was done in 1990 and third amendment is in process.


1. Background

Still-image is one of the components to be included in ODA. The problem

with still-image consists in its vast amount of data to transmit and store. For example,


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a frame of CCIR (A-601) digital studio video signal, represented by 720 x 486 pixels

and 16 bits per pixel, amounts to approximately 5.6 Mbits in an uncompressed form.

Modern image compression technology offers a solution to this problem.

State-of-the-art technology can compress typical images by a factor of 10: 1 through 50:


without visibly affecting image quality [Ref. 61]. But compression only is not sufficient

for modern open system environment in which interoperability is the major concern. The

receiver is supposed not to worry about what compression technique and equipment

sender uses. A standard compression method is needed to ensure interoperability of

equipment from different manufacturers.

Formal effort for still-image coding started at the end of 1986. Experts from

both the CCITT and ISO groups met to form the Joint Photographic Experts Group

(JPEG). They tasked themselves with the selection of a high performance universal

compression technique [Ref. 58]. The relationship between CCITT, ISO, and JPEG

is illustrated in Figure 9.

The first image quality evaluation took place in June 1987 at the Copenhagen

Telephone Company (KTAS) research lab. Out of the twelve proposed techniques, ten


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— Facsimile

CCITT SG VIITerminal Quncfcnabcj

And Piococos





New Image


Group {NIC)



Joint Photo-

graphic Expert

Group (JPEG)

Joint Bi -level

Image Group

Computer Graphics



Audio Coding —

CCITT SG XVVideophone £ Video-

Conference Services

1— Teleconferencing

Moving Picture


ISO ffiC/JTCl/


Oxlod Rcpreseoaooe

Of Picture And

Audio Tnfi"ff lulling

Digital Audio and

Picture Architectsr


Figure 9. Organization of photographic standardization [Ref. 58]

techniques were tested at the evaluation5

. The selection procedures are well described

in [Ref. 58] and [Ref. 59]. The finalists were the Adaptive Discrete Cosine Transform

(ADCT), the Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder (ABAC), and the Block Separated

Component Progressive Coding (BSPC). BSPC is based on GBTC and PCS. The

second selection process took place in January 1988 at the same place, and resulted in

DCTV (Discrete Cosine Transform with Vector Quantization)

ADCT (Adaptive Discrete Cosine Transform)

DCTD (Adaptive DCT and Differential Entropy Coding)

BCTF (16 x 16 DCT with Filtering)

BLT (Block List Transform)

PCS (Progressive Coding Scheme)

PRBN (Progressive Recursive Binary Arithmetic)

ABAC (DPCM Using Adaptive Binary Arithmetic)

GBTC (Generalized Block Truncation Coding)

CVQ (Component Vector Quantization)


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the selection of ADTC for final refinement, with the goal of producing and ISO Draft

Proposal by February 1989 [Ref. 59].

2. Coding

The proposed standard contains the four modes of operation [Ref. 61]:

• Sequential encoding: Each image component is encoded in a single left-to-right,

top-to-bottom scan.

• Progressive encoding: The image is encoded in multiple scans for applications in

which transmission time is long, and the viewer prefers to watch the image build

up in multiple coarse-to-clear passes.

• Lossless encoding: The image is encoded to guarantee exact recovery of every

source image sample value (e.g., as required by medical applications).

• Hierarchical encoding: the image is encoded at multiple resolutions, so that lower-

resolution versions may be accesses without first having to decompress the image

at its full resolution.

Based on these modes of operation, different kinds of codecs

(encoder/decoder) are specified. All of these codecs are variations of the JPEG baseline

model to ensure the operation with various image formats across applications. For the

DCT sequential-mode codecs, the baseline model shows almost complete coding process.

For the DCT progressive-mode codecs, the image buffer exists prior to the entropy

coding step, so that an image can be stored and then parcelled out in multiple scan with

successively improving quality. For the hierarchical mode of operation, the baseline

model is used as a building block within a larger framework.

The JPEG baseline model consists of 3 steps - transformation, quantization,

and lossless entropy coding as shown in Figure 10. At the input to the encoder, source

image samples are grouped into 8x8 blocks and precessed by the Forward Discrete


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C~~9 :::: 8x 8 Block


^ image ^i Encoder(>

FDCT r=5 Quantizer s•





Transmission /

Decoder '

IDCT C=DequantizerDC Decoding




vFDCT: Forward Discrete Cosine Transform< rtv


g IDCT: inverse Discrete Cosme transform


Figure 10. Processing step for baseline DCT model

Cosine Transform (FDCT). Following is the description of the DCT part of JPEG

codecs [Ref. 61].

The DCT is related to Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Each 8x8 block of

source image samples is effectively a 64-point discrete signal which is a function

of the two spatial dimensions x and y. The FDCT takes such a signal as its input

and decomposes it into 64 orthogonal basis signals. . . . The output of the

FDCT is the set of 64 basis-signal amplitudes or "DCT coefficients" whose values

are uniquely determined by the particular 64-point input signal. ... At the

decoder, the IDCT reverses this processing step. It takes the 64 DCT coefficients

(which at that point have been quantized) and reconstructs a 64-point output image

signal by summing the basis signals.

The following equations are the idealized mathematical definitions of the 8 x 8 FDCT

and IDCT:[Ref. 61]

The next step is quantization which quantizes the DCT coefficients to reduce

their magnitude and to increase the number of zero value coefficients. The quantization


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7 7

F(u,v)=-C(m)C(v)[£, X,/(x,y)cos^

77—cos J 1

4 x=0 y=0 10 10

7 7

^ >k IrY^^r/ \/-/\r/ \ (2x+l)U7C (2y + l)V7t,M>)=tE£ C(n)C(v)F(a,v) cos-^—

'-—cosv 7 y—


4 M=0 v=0 Id lo

where C(u) = C(v) = — for u = v = 0; C(k) = C(v) = 1 otherwise


method used in JPEG is uniform midstep quantization, where the step size varies

according to the coefficient location and which color component is encoded. The

purpose of quantization is to achieve further compression by representing DCT

coefficients with no greater precision than is necessary to achieve the desired image

quality. It is the principle source of lossiness in DCT-based encoders[Ref. 61].

Followed by quantization, DC coding and zig-zag sequence is applied. This

step rearranges quantized DCT coefficients into a zig-zag pattern, with lowest

frequencies first and highest frequencies last. The zig-zag pattern is used to increase the

run length of zero coefficients found in the block.

Next, the DC and AC coefficients are losslessly encoded, both using

Huffman-style coding but keyed with different parameters. Huffman coding is a well

known means of reducing the number of bits needed to represent a data set without losing

any information and is easy to implement in hardware. To compress data symbols, the

Huffman coder creates shorter codes for frequently occurring symbols and longer codes

for occasionally occurring symbols. The resulting data is passed to the host bus for

storage or transmission.


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3. Compression

For color images with moderately complex scenes, all DCT-based modes of

operation typically produce the following levels of picture quality for the given range of

compression. (The units "bits/pixel" means the total number of bits in the compressed

image - including the chrominance components - divided by the number of samples in

the luminance component.) [Ref. 61]

• 0.25-0.5 bits/pixel: moderate to good quality, sufficient for some applications;

• 0.5-0.75 bits/pixel: good to very good quality, sufficient for many applications;

• 0.75-1.5 bits/pixel: excellent quality, sufficient for most applications;

• 1.5-2.0 bits/pixel: usually indistinguishable from the original, sufficient for the

most demanding applications.

A sample still-image with resolution of 720 x 486 and 16 bits per pixel -- 8

bits for luminance and 8 bit for chrominance components — will take up 5,598,720 bits

of storage without compression. Table 2 summarizes the relationship between

"bits/pixel" representation and compression ratio for this sample image.


bits/pixel Original image

size (bits)

Compressed image

size (bits)



0.25 5,598,720 87,480 64:1

0.50 174,960 32:1

0.75 262,440 21.3:1

1.00 349,920 16:1

1.50 524,880 10.7:1

2.00 699,840 8:1

16.0 5,598,720 1:1


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4. Current status

Solutions for JPEG were offered first by C-Cube Microsystems Inc., San

Jose, Calif., then by LSI Logic Corp. , Milpitas, Calif [Ref. 67]. The first single-chip

image compression/decompression device CL550 from C-Cube Microsystems is 380,

000-transistor chip. CL550 can compress or decompress a full-page, 24-bit color, 300

dpi (dot per inch) image in less than one second, reducing the 25 megabyte original bit-

map image to under 1 megabyte with no visible degradation. A 640 x 480 resolution 24-

bit screen image can be compressed by a factor of ten in less than one-thirtieth of a

second, making real-time, full-motion compression feasible.

E. MOTION VIDEO: MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)

1. Background

Full-motion video will be the most demanding component of compound

document. The problem with full-motion video stems from its vast amount of data to be

processed and transmitted, which will severely strain CPU, storage, network

resources. For example, a frame of CCIR digital studio video (A-601) generates 5.6

megabits when uncompressed. For 30 frames per second video, the amount of data to

represent one second of motion comes up to 168 megabits. Liebhold and Hoffert [Ref.

72] compared the cost between voice and video transmission. Digital video running at

1 megabits per second bandwidth (compressed) would cost $1,000 per hour, compared

with voice running at 10 kilobits per second costing $10 per hour, assuming a coast-to-

coast connection.


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Some of the standards for full-motion video are shown [Ref. 64, 65, 66,

70, 72, 79] in Table 3.


Name Organization Bandwidth Applications

H.261 CCITT 64 kbps x p(p=l ..30)

Video Phone, Video




CD-I6 Industry 1.4 Mbps Consumer Electronics

CMTT/27 CCITT/CCIR 34 Mbps/45 Mbps Digital TV, HDTV

DVI8Intel 1.5 Mbps Desktop video

It is believed that MPEG will become the standard for the motion video

component of ODA document. MPEG standard is known by the name of the expert

group that started it: Moving Picture Experts Group which is part of the ISO-

IEC/JTC1/SC2/WG11 [Ref. 69]. Formal standardization efforts started in 1988 with the

goal of achieving a draft standard by 1990. After satisfying the requirements for the

standard, the selection process was begin. Seventeen companies or institutions

contributed or sponsored a proposal, and fourteen9different proposals were presented

6 Compact Disc-Interactive (CD-I)

7 Committee on Mix of Telephone and Television

8Digital Video Interactive (DVI)

9 AT&T (USA), Bellcore (USA), Intel (USA), GCT (Japan), C-Cube Microsystem

(USA), DEC (USA), France Telecom (France), Cost 211 Bis (EUR), IBM (USA), JVCCorp (Japan), Matsubisi EIC (Japan), Mitsubisi EC (Japan), NEC Corp (Japan), NTT(Japan), Philips (Netherlands), Sony Corp (Japan), Telenorma/U. Hannover (Germany)


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and subjected to analysis and subjective testing. Those proposals were tested and

integrated into the Committee Draft in September 1990.

2. Coding

The industry- and sponsor-contributed proposals are representing the interests

of their own field— telecommunications, hardware, computer systems, consumer

electronics, and TV broadcasting. The coding method should be selected in such a way

that it can support a wide range of applications. For instance, video on digital storage

includes the following applications:

• Asymmetric Applications (one time compression, frequent decompressions):

electronic publishing, education and training, point of sales, videotext, games,

and entertainment (movies)

• Symmetric Applications (equal use of compression and decompression): electronic

publishing (production), video mail, videotelephone, and video conferencing.

Each application requires specific features in the coding algorithm. For

example, commercial video disc systems may need features of still frame, video-audio

synchronization, and fast forward/reverse search, but may not need the editability

feature. To fulfil requirements of various applications, MPEG defined a set of features

to be satisfied by its compression algorithm. These features are;

• Random access: Random access requires that a compressed video bit stream be

accessible in its middle and any frame of video be decoderable in limited amount

of time (1/2 second).

• Fast forward/reverse searches: It should be possible to scan a compressed bit

stream and, using the appropriate access points, display selected pictures to obtain

a fast forward or fast reverse effect.

• Reverse playback: Interactive application might require the video signal to play in



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• Audio-vidual synchronization: The video signal should be accurately synchronizable

to an associated audio source.

• Robustness to errors: The source coding scheme should be robust to any remaining

uncorrected errors; thus catastrophic behavior in the presence of errors should be


• Coding/decoding delay: The algorithm should perform well over the range of

acceptable delays and the delay is to be considered a parameter (e.g., video

telephone - maximum 150 millisecond; publishing application - maximum 1


• Editability: It is desirable to be able to edit units of a short time duration.

• Format flexibility: The coding algorithm should handle wide range of formats

(width and height) and frame rate.

• Cost tradeoffs: The algorithm should be implemented with a small number of

chips, and the coding process could be performed in real time.

To satisfy both high compression ratio and the random access requirements,

MPEG uses a combination of intraframe and interframe coding methods. The method

used for intraframe coding is DCT and those for interframe are predictive coding and

interpolative coding. MPEG uses three types of pictures: intrapictures, predicted

pictures, and bidirectional pictures. Intrapicture provides the random access points and

reference points to both predicted pictures and bidirectional pictures. Figure 1 1 shows

the relationship between three types of pictures.

For interframe coding, MPEG uses motion-compensated prediction and

motion-compensated interpolation. Motion-compensated prediction is the most widely

used techniques that exploit the temporal redundancy of video signals [Ref. 69]. It

assumes that "locally" the current picture can be modeled as a translation of the picture

at some previous time. Motion-compensated interpolation is a technique that helps satisfy


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I B B B P B^ B^ B.

I: Interpictures P: Predicted Pictures B: Interpolated Pictures

FunctionProvides access points

for random access

Reference for future

predicted pictureNot used for reference


RatioModerate High Highest

Reference picture NoneA past picture

(Intra- or Predicted)

Both a past and a future

picture (Intra- or Predicte

Figure 11. Three types of pictures

some of the application-dependent requirements since it improves random access and

reduces the effect of errors while at the same time contributing significantly to the image


The basic motion-compensation coding unit used in MPEG is a 16 x 16 block

(microblock) which has types of intra, forward predicted, backward predicted, and

average. The motion information associated with microblock is coded differently with

respect to the motion information present in the previous adjacent microblock. The

differential motion information is further coded by means of variable-length code to

provide a greater efficiency.


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As in JPEG standard, MPEG uses 8x8 DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)

to reduce spatial redundancy. Next, DCT coefficients are quantized. Because MPEG

has both intra-coded picture and differentially-coded picture, it uses different quantizer

for each block. While both quantizers have a constant step size, their step size around

zero is different. Quantizer for intracoded blocks has no deadzone (i.e., the region that

gets quantized to the level zero is smaller than a stepsize) while quantizers for

nonintrablocks have a large deadzone. Quantized coefficients are further compressed by

entropy coding step. To reduce the impact of the motion information on the total bit

rate, variable-length coding is used. The variable-length code associated with DCT

coefficients is a superset of the one used in CCITT recommendation H.261 to avoid

unnecessary costs when implementing both standards on a single chip [Ref. 69]. The

coding process is illustrated in Figure 12.

3. Compression

The bandwidth for transmission or storage of full-motion video depends on

the source video format and compression ratio. For example, NTSC-like picture

quality, assuming 480 x 270 pixels, 30 frames per second, and 16 bits per pixel, will

consume about 62 Mbps transmission bandwidth. With 50:1 compression, the

bandwidth required will be about 1.244 Mbps.

The premise of MPEG is that a video signal and its associated audio can be

compressed to a bit rate of about 1.5 Mbps with an acceptable quality. The quality of

video compressed with the MPEG algorithm at rate of about 1.2 Mbps has often been

compared to VHS recording. For most source materials, artifact-free renditions can be


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8x8 Block





CodingFDCT Quantizer



16 xl6 block






DecodingIDCT ^jDequantizerfcd ^Jr

FDCT: Forward Discrete Cosine Transform

IDCT: Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform

Figure 12. MPEG Coding process

obtained; but for the most demanding material, it is at times necessary to trade

resolution for impairments [Ref. 71]. MPEG is not restricted to any given bandwidth.

In fact the baseline standard is specified to operate up to 2.1 Mbps.

4. Current status

The MPEG standard is still in draft form, but it has wide support, including

Apple, IBM, Sun, and Intel. C-Cube Microsystems became the first company to

publicly demonstrate an MPEG decoder chip [Ref. 78]. The MPEG decoder is based on

a programmable processor which enable changes in the standard by modifying the RAM-

based microcode. The processor supports two modes: MPEG and JVC Extended mode.

In MPEG mode, video can be compressed at rates of up to 200: 1 and resolutions of up


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to 704 by 576 pixels. JVC Extended mode, which is being developed with Victory

Company of Japan Ltd., offers compression rates up to 50:1 [Ref. 79].


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Radding [Ref. 13] described one of the future military applications of multimedia

network. The setting is one of perspectives of the Department of Defence CALS

(Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support) initiative.

A jet aircraft technician peers into the bowels of a malfunctioning engine,

searching for the source of the problem. Finally, he spots it. Buried deep within

the engine is the troublesome part. He will have to replace it. A complicated

procedure, to say the least.

The technician goes to his high-powered workstation attached to a network and

calls up the information on the part and the replacement procedure. An image of

the part seated in the engine appears. In another window, an instructor

demonstrates the repair procedure in full-motion video while the technician listens

through the audio channel as the instructor explains the process. Diagrams pop up

to further clarify key points. In a text window, he reviews lists of necessary parts

and tools he will need to complete the repair.

Still confused about an irregularity in this situation, the technician presses the help

key and a real-time image of a live supervisor pops up in another window. Using

the attached microphone, the technician discusses the particular problem with the

supervisor, who directs more information onto the technician's screen. The

technician points a video camera at the part in question to show the supervisor the

specific situation.

Implementation of such a system is possible with today's technology, but the lack

of standards is the major barrier. The realization of importance of standardization led

the industry and the standard organizations to the standardization of multimedia network

and multimedia applications as we saw in Chapters II and III.

In addition to the standardization efforts, one of the problems with above scene

is the vast amount of data storage and transmission bandwidth. In particular, formatted


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text, raster graphics, vector graphics, still image, and full-motion video will

significantly influence the performance of local area networks (LANs) and

telecommunication networks. The typical transmission bandwidth or storage

requirements for each component of multimedia e-mail are summarized in Table 4.


Coding Original Size (a page, Compressed Size Compression

Format frame, or 1 second of (page, frame, or 1 Ratio

frames) second of frame)

Text 24-32kbits (clean text)

80-160kbits (formatted

text: WP5.1 file with


1-2 k 2.0-3.0

Raster 200dpi: 4,036,608 297,769 13.56

Graphics (bi- 300dpi: 8,960,000 442,217 20.26

level) 400dpi: 16,146,432 593,226 27.22

CGM several 100 kbits to depends on coding 1-3

several Mbits (binary, character,

or clean text


JPEG (CCIR 5.6 Mbits/frame 112-560 10-50

A-601 format) kbits/frame



MPEG 62 Mbits/sec 1.5 Mbits/sec 50-150 (vary

(NTSC with frame by

quality) frame)

Current networks are able to support formatted text, bi-level raster graphics, and

some vector graphics effectively. But multi-tone color raster graphics, complex vector

graphics, and full-motion video can be a disastrous source of network bottleneck.


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Therefore the design of multimedia applications must be preceded by a careful analysis

of network performance in relation to their bandwidth requirements.

There have been some studies on multimedia data transmission on LANs [Ref. 84 -

89]. Chen and Lu [Ref. 84] analyzed the integrated voice and data transmission on

CSMA/CD network. Mark and Lee [Ref. 85] proposed a dual-ring LAN for integrated

voice/video/data services that have different communication service requirements (i.e.,

synchronous and asynchronous). Deng, Chiew, and Huang [Ref. 88] investigated the

performance of token-ring LANs with multimedia file transfer.

Related to these studies, we develop a simulation model to analyze the performance

of multimedia LAN. The primary purpose of this simulation model is to examine the

effect of the multimedia data traffic, especially high-resolution still-images, on the

performance of LAN. Another consideration is that the adoption of current compression

technologies into the model for still-image compression.


1. System definition

Within an office information system or military application as we saw in the

above scenario, an image browsing activity is an important part of LAN usage. An

image browsing activity may require transfer of a large volume of information in a short

period of time.

Currently, the LAN standards are categorized into three LAN types:

CSMA/CD bus, token bus, and token ring. CSMA/CD bus LANs are specified by

IEEE 802.3 standards and currently have five options: 10BASE5 (Ethernet), 10BASE2


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(thin Ethernet), 1BASE5, 1BASET, and 10BROAD36. Token-ring LANs include

IEEE 802.5 4Mbps, IEEE 802.5 16Mbps, and ANSI's Fiber Distributed Data Interface

(FDDI) 100Mbps. Lastly, token-bus LANs are specified by IEEE 802.4 standards and

have a few options. We selected token-ring LANs for our simulation study because of

their support of a wide range of transmission speed (4, 16, and 100 Mbps), their

efficient operation at very high data rates, and the ability to readily accommodate fiber.

The token-ring network has stations actively coupled by unidirectional point-

to-point links. Access to the transmission medium is controlled by a deterministic

algorithm: a special bit pattern, called the token, circulates around the ring and gives

the station holding the token momentary control of the transmission channel. Several

service (transmission) disciplines have been proposed for token-ring networks. The most

widely used service disciplines are the following [Ref. 86]:

• Exhaustive service. A station transmits packets until its buffers become empty.

Only then it releases the token to its downstream neighbor.

• Gated service. A station transmits only the packets that are present in its buffers

when it captures the token. Then it releases the token to the next station.

• Limited services. A station transmits packets until either its buffers become empty

or a maximum number L of packets has been transmitted, whichever occurs first.

• Ordinary service. A station transmits packets up to one packet every time it

captures the token. The ordinary service discipline is in fact a special case of the

limited service with L = 1.

• Timed-Token Service (TTS). A token rotation timer (TRT) is used in each station

to ensure the duration of each complete cycle of the token as it is seen by this

particular station. The TRT is reset every time the token arrives at the station and

immediately starts timing the duration of the new token rotation.


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Compared with the IEEE 802.5 token-ring protocol, FDDI has two major

differences in token handling:

• An FDDI station seizes a free token by absorption. On the contrary, an IEEE802.5 station seizes a free token only by flipping a bit.

• In FDDI, a station issues a free token as soon as it completes the transmission of

its frames, even if it has not yet begun to receive its own transmission. In IEEE802.5, a station releases a free token only when it has received its owntransmission.

Another difference is that FDDI defines two types of traffic: synchronous and

asynchronous. For synchronous traffic, FDDI allocates a constant bandwidth for each

station. But for asynchronous traffic, the access right to the network is regulated by the

parameter TTRT (Target Token Rotation Time) and depends on the traffic.

2. Simulation model

The simulation model includes a LAN and its stations. The types of LAN

considered are token-ring LANs with transmission speeds of 4, 16, and 100 Mbps. The

service (transmission) discipline selected is the exhaustive service with 262,080

bits/frame and frame overhead of 200 bits/frame. It is assumed that the 100 Mbps FDDI

follows the general token-ring protocols and the differences from IEEE 802.5 protocols

are ignored because the stations in the model do not require synchronous transmission.

The token passing time is set to zero because the delay to pass a token is relatively small

compared to high volume still-image data.

In our simulation model, we assumed that the LAN has only one type of

stations that generate high resolution graphics images to send to other stations. To

emphasize the LAN utilization and delay characteristics, the processing time for


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preparation, buffering, retrieval, and storage of images will not be included in the

statistics collection. Each station generates high resolution image (CCIR A-601 format)

file (about 5.6 Mbits/image) and the time between generation follows the exponential

distribution with a mean of 60 seconds. We also assume that there is infinite size of

buffer at the destination, thus we do not expect any delay in this way. The number of

stations varies from 2 to 20 while other parameters stay the same. Figure 13 shows the

components of the model.

Figure 13. Graphical representation of modeling LAN

As for source of multimedia LAN traffic, we consider only one type of

source - still-image. There are several reasons for the use of only one type of traffic.

First, the text file is very small compared to high volume multimedia data. Second,


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the bi-level raster graphics are a subset of still-image and their size is also relatively

small. Third, a CGM file can vary greatly in size and its transmission requirement

varies according to coding methods (e.g., binary, character, and clean-text coding);

but, in any way, its size is relatively small compared with a rasterized still-image file.

Fourth, the full-motion video requires synchronous transmission of data. When

compression technologies are introduced on full-motion video, there are complex

bandwidth requirements. These requirements and complexity go beyond the scope of this


In conjunction with the fixed size image (5.6 Mbits/frame), the use of JPEG

still-image compression chip is considered. As we described in Chapter III, the JPEG

compression chip is available now and can achieve a compression ratio of 10:1 to 50:1

in one thirtieth of a second. The time for compression is not considered in this model.

We assumed that the compression ratio of a JPEG chips follows a normal distribution.

The distribution function is such that the output of the compression has a mean value of

336,000 bits/frame, lower bound of 112,000 bits/frame, and upper bound of 560,000

bits/frame. It is further assumed that the normal distribution has the standard deviation

of 100,000 so that the compression the ratio moderately spread out between lower bound

and upper bound.


The token ring access mechanism may be modeled by a single server representing

the rotation of the free token. The model is translated into different simulation languages


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~ SIMAN and LANNET II. 5. The former is a general purpose simulation language and

the latter is a special purpose LAN simulation tool. We now discuss each translation.


SIMAN is a general purpose simulation language developed by Systems

Modeling Corp. for modeling discrete, continuous, and/or combined systems. SIMAN

is designed around a logical modeling framework in which the simulation problem is

segmented into a model component and an experiment component. The model describes

the physical elements of the system (LAN, stations, image files, etc.) and their logical

interrelationships. The experiment specifies the experimental conditions under which the

model is to run, including elements such as initial conditions, resource availability,

type of statistics collected, and length of a run.

The pseudo-code for the LAN model is;

CREATE arrivals (entity) as many as the number of stations

ASSIGN entity identification (attribute)

DELAY exponentially with mean of 60 seconds

ASSIGN time stamp (attribute)

ROUTE transfer the entity to a station

STATION at the entity's own station

QUEUE to await next token

SEIZE the channel

DELAY a quantum.

RELEASE the channel

TALLY the transmission delay

The variation of the above model is the case of a randomly varying file size.

In that case, an entity is given a file size by normal distribution with the mean of

336000. Based on that file size, the transmission time without any delay is calculated


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to collect delay time statistics. If the data is less than the data bits per frame, the

transmission time is calculated based on LAN speed.

_, ... databits + frameoverhead .

Transmisswntime= - secondLANspeed(Mbps)

The source code for the model is shown in Appendix A.


The LANNET II.5 is a special purpose simulation package developed by

CACI Product Company for simulation of LANs. It is a design tool which takes a user-

specified LAN description and provides measures of utilization, conflicts, delays and

response times.

In LANNET II. 5, it is not necessary to program the model because it already

contains the LAN parameters and characteristics. The graphical interface gives the user

easy implementation of LAN simulation. The LANNET II. 5 package consists of four


• The LANGIN - Used to describe the LAN to be modeled.

• SIMLAN - The LAN simulation engine.

• LANPLOT - Used to plot/graph simulation statistics.

• LANAN - Post-processed LAN animation.

The LAN to be simulated is described using LANNET II. 5 building blocks

of LAN, STATION, GATEWAY, ROUTE, and SDF (Statistical Distribution

Function). Each of these building blocks has a series of attributes whose values are

supplied by the user. The LANGIN allows a user to build a LAN description using


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LANNET II. 5 building blocks. An example of LANGIN graphical user interface is

shown in Figure 14.

OK Ucrify Nancs+


LAN Type LAN Connection List

LAN Inplenentat ions GRAPHICS U0RKSTATI0N o

<§> IEEE 802.5 4Mb

O IEEE 802.5 loflb



Figure 14. An example of LANNET II.5 user interface


The experiment part of a simulation study generates the information needed to

fulfill the study's goal. To get enough information, a series of experiments are

performed using both SIMAN and LANNET II. 5. Even though LANNET II.5 provides

very convenient ways of constructing and simulating the LANs, it lacks the flexibility

of enabling customized and detailed modeling of LANs. It supports only one service

discipline, exhaustive service, in token ring LANs. These are some of the reasons why

a general simulation language is used for the model. The experiments include two parts:


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the case of a fixed-size image file and the case of randomly varying image file size. In

both cases, three LAN types -- IEEE 802.5 4 Mbps, IEEE 802.5 16 Mbps, and FDDI

token ring LANs — are considered. For each of these three LAN types, ten experiments

are carried out by varying the number of stations from 2 to 20 by 2. Thus, sixty

experiments are conducted in total. In SIMAN, each experiment has 10 replications

without initialization to collect confidence interval for minimizing random variation.

The duration of the simulation is set to 4 hours to cover unstable initialization and

real situations. The graphical analysis of simulation output indicates that LAN utilization

stabilizes after 1 hour of simulation time, so the selection of the 4 hour length of

simulation time appears reasonable.


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Verification is to determine that a simulation computer program performs as

intended, i.e, debugging the computer model into a correctly working program [Ref.

90]. In this thesis, two verification methods are used to ensure the model works

properly. First, built-in trace and animation functions of both LANNET II.5 and

SIMAN are used for the purpose of finding logical errors. Second, to make sure that

the internal parameters and logic ofLANNET II. 5 are correct, LANNET II. 5 simulation

results are compared with the results of the SIMAN model.

Both LANNET II. 5 and SIMAN provide debugging tools, including interactive

trace and animation. In the trace, the state of the simulated system (e.g., the contents

of the event list, the state variables, statistical counters) is printed out on a file or

screen just after each event occurs and compared with manual calculations to see if the

program is operating as intended. The trace feature in LANNET II. 5 provides the

reports regarding activity, gateway, LAN, message, and station. The trace feature

in SIMAN enables examining in detail the movement of entities through the system. It

also gives a summary of the action taken at each block through which an entity has


In addition to the trace feature, animation is an effective way of validating the

model. An animation can immediately expose most logical errors. LANNET II.


provides a LAN animation tool which provides graphical LAN animation using


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simulation results from SIMLAN. This tool makes it possible to actually see the

modeled LAN in operation, and trace messages describing simulation activity may be

displayed concurrently with the animation. The location and color of each construct is

automatically created from the LAN description. SIMAN has animation tools named

CINEMA. They provide a graphical interface that helps users in drawing layouts of the

modeled system and linking the model and graphical objects.

Using both trace and animation features, any logical error is identified and

corrected. After the logic verification process, the results from both LANNET II. 5 and

SIMAN are compared. The comparison confirms that the model is correct.


Two different properties of LAN performance are observed. The utilization is

calculated as percentage of time a LAN is busy during the simulation run. The time

required for an image file to move from a source station to a destination station in a

LAN is defined as the total transfer time in this model.

The delay time is the difference between the transfer time and the transmission time

which is calculated by dividing the size of the image file by the LAN transmission speed.

A ring network provides a single shared path for all data. Hence, as traffic increases

from the attached stations, transfer delay increases. The transfer delay is the most

relevant for asynchronous traffic.

Figure 15 through Figure 18 show the simulation results of the mean LAN

utilization and delay with the varying number of stations ranging from 2 to 20.


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(a) Fixed file size case

30.0% —


10.0% —





6 8 10 12 14

Number of Stations

(b) Random file size case

16 18 20

1.5% —




8 10 12 14

Number of Stations

16 18 20

Figure 15. Utilization results from LANNET II.5


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600000 —(a) Fixed file size case

500000 —





4 Mbps

16 Mbps

100 Mbps


1500 -

1250 —




250 —

6 8 10 12 14

Number of Stations

(b) Random file size case

8 10 12 14

Number of Stations



18 20

18 20

Figure 16. Average delay results from LANNET II.5


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40.0% —


20.0% —







(a) Fixed file size case

-*— 4 Mbps-o— 16 Mbps-— 100 Mbps+ LOWER* UPPER

6 8 10 12 14

Number of Stations

(b) Random file size case


-*— 4 Mbps-<^- 16 Mbps-— 100 Mbps+ LOWER+ UPPER

18 20

8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Number of Stations

Figure 17. Utilization results from SIMAN


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400000 —

(a) Fixed file size case







1000 —




t -^r^^r~t~^T^T i

8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Number of Staitions

(b) Random file size case

8 10 12 14 16

Number of Stations

18 20

Figure 18. Average delay results from SEMAN


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The confidence interval is an indication of the reliability of the estimator of the

mean. With 10 experiments for each case, 95% confidence intervals are calculated as


|jl = [x-h, x+h]


x: point estimator of the mean(sample mean)

h = h, 0.05/2 *®

The sample mean, x, and the sample variance, s2

, of x and x from the 10

observations are as follows:

x = > — , s\x) = > , s\x) = —

T 10t

9 10

As we see in Figure 17 and Figure 18, the wide interval is resulted from the large

underlying variability of the exponential distribution for the arrival process. It is

reasonable that the confidence interval for the average delay of randomly varying file size

case is wider than the fixed file size case, because the former has more random factors.

In the fixed file size case, the utilization grows linearly with the increasing number

of stations. The utilization for 4 Mbps LAN is approximately 45% when the number of

stations reaches 20. The 45% utilization rate is very high, possibly causing a major

network bottleneck. In the case of variable file size, where it is assumed the JPEG

compression chip is utilized, the utilization goes down to about 3 % when the number

of stations reaches 20. Comparing two situation, . i.e., 45% utilization in non-

compression situation and 3% utilization in compression situation with number of


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stations 20, it justifies the adoption of compression chip which compresses image files

with a 10 to 50 compression ratio. Considering other LAN traffics (e.g, file retrieving,

messages, etc.), the use of compression chip is highly recommended.

Since the maximum delay measure can be changed by simulation length, the

maximum delay results are not presented. But with the given simulation length of 4

hours, the maximum delay ranges from 1.28 second at 2 stations to 6.2 seconds at 20

stations in 4 Mbps token ring.

In the 16 Mbps token ring LAN case, the performance is acceptable in both

utilization and average delay at given LAN load. Utilization of 12% and an average

delay of 300 microseconds at maximum load is reasonably acceptable in image browsing

activity. Therefore, it is concluded that the 16 Mbps LAN can provide acceptable

performance under certain situations (e.g., no other traffics, maximum of 20 stations,

mean job request interval of 60 seconds, and job size of 5.6 Mbits). From another point

of view, if we consider the multimedia network in which synchronous data (e.g.,

packetized voice and video) and asynchronous data are transmitted, the 16 Mbps

bandwidth and token-passing protocol may not satisfy the requirements. The

requirements of synchronous data are guaranteed bandwidth and delay. Current collision

and token- passing type LAN protocols cannot support guaranteed delay for synchronous

data. Currently, another LAN protocol is being developed by IEEE. The IEEE 802.9

LAN standard is standard for Integrated Voice and Data (IVD) LANs. The specification

defines two channels: a packet channel for data applications, and a circuit channel for

voice and digital video.


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The FDDI token ring is the most promising candidate for the multimedia LAN.

With dramatically increased bandwidth, FDDI meets the requirements for both

traditional LAN applications and multimedia applications. The timed-token protocol of

FDDI provides guaranteed delay for synchronous data transmission even at high network

load, through it cannot guarantee response time smaller than the round trip delay.

To better support high-volume synchronous traffic, Mark and Lee [Ref. 85]

proposed a dual-ring LAN which supports real-time synchronous voice and video

services, and multilevel priority asynchronous data traffic types using a packet-switching

operation. FDDI-II has also been proposed. Martini and Thomas [Ref. 89] proposed

FDDI-II which includes circuit switching capability in addition to the packet switching

capability of basic FDDI.


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Multimedia e-mail will be the next step of developments in exchanging information

among remote users of the computer network. All the society stands to benefit from the

successful implementation of multimedia e-mail. The two barriers hindering the wide

use of multimedia e-mail are its enormous bandwidth requirements and the lack of

standards for exchange format. The bandwidth restrictions are being resolved by

advanced computing and the deployment of ISDN, B-ISDN, and other high-speed

telecommunication networks. The other barrier, the lack of standards, is also being

resolved by international standards organizations' effort. The representative two

organizations, ISO and CCITT, are devoted to the standardization of multimedia e-mail,

alone or jointly. The resulting standards are X.400 and ODA. X.400 was standardized

in 1984 and revised in 1988; ODA was standardized in 1988 and is currently being

revised to allow more components. ODA supports formatted text, raster graphics, and

geometric graphics. The future standards will be able to support high bandwidth uses

such as high-resolution color still-image, full-motion video, voice, audio, and


For each component, there also have been individual and joint standardization

efforts. Currently, CGM, JPEG, and MPEG standards are being developed or revised

for geometric graphics, still-images, and full-motion videos, respectively. The

addition of these components will increase bandwidth requirements. The simulation

study shows that the high-resolution image browsing activity in a Local Area Network


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(LAN) will burden the low-speed LANs. The adoption of compression chips or high-

speed LANs such as FDDI will make such high bandwidth activities feasible. In the case

of full-motion video, the synchronous transmission needs requires the development of

new protocols.

The combination of the wide bandwidth, compression technologies of source data,

and new protocol will facilitate the deployments of true multimedia e-mail and related

multimedia applications, and the results will enhance productivity of the future society.


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CREATE, No_of_Stations: 0, 1;

ASSIGN: X(l) = X(l) + 1;

ASSIGN: StationJD = X(l);


ASSIGN: Timeln = TNOW + Transfer_Time;

ROUTE: 0, StationJD;
















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Ql: Q2: Q3: Q4: Q5: Q6: Q7: Q8: Q9: Q10:

Qll: Q12: Q13: Q14: Q15: Q16: Q17: Q18: Q19: Q20;SEIZE: Channel;

DELAY: Transfer_Time;

RELEASE: Channel;

TALLY: Transmission Delay, INT(Timeln): NEXT(GOON);END;




VARIABLES: No_of_Stations, 2:

Transfer_Time, 1.4011;



RESOURCES: Channel, 1


DSTAT:NR(Channel), Channel utilization;

TALLIES: Transmission Delay;

OUTPUTS: DAVG(Channel Utilization), "utill-02.dat":

TAVG(Transmission Delay), "dlyl-02.dat";

; Simulation time is set to 2 hours (7200 seconds) and 10 replications

; without initialization

REPLICATE, 10, 0, 7200, N;



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1. Fixed file size case



Utilization Average delay (microsecond)

4 Mbps 16 Mbps 100 Mbps 4 Mbps 16 Mbps 100 Mbps

2 4.50% 1.15% 0.01% 15400 1076

4 8.92% 2.28% 0.02% 47720 2813

6 13.50% 3.46% 0.03% 91170 5606 1.375

8 18.10% 4.61% 0.04% 126000 7355 0.918

10 22.70% 5.79% 0.05% 174000 9149 0.651

12 27.20% 6.97% 0.06% 229000 11860 1.503

14 31.80% 8.13% 0.07% 289000 14470 0.5268

16 36.20% 9.30% 0.08% 359000 16790 0.5095

18 40.90% 10.50% 0.09% 433000 20050 1.91

20 45.40% 11.60% 0.10% 519000 21650 1.996

Random file size case (compression is applied)

Number of


Utilization Average delay (microsecond)

4 Mbps 16 Mbps 100 Mbps 4 Mbps 16Mbp 100 Mbps

2 0.27% 0.07% 0.01% 121

4 0.56% 0.14% 0.02% 197.9 9.295

6 0.85% 0.21% 0.03% 355.8 24.68 0.5373

8 1.12% 0.28% 0.05% 368.8 24.54 0.6168

10 1.41% 0.35% 0.06% 496.3 26.19 1.367

12 1.69% 0.42% 0.07% 671.3 41.15 1.474

14 1.97% 0.49% 0.08% 889.8 56.21 1.661

16 2.24% 0.56% 0.09% 1025 59.7 2.078

18 2.52% 0.63% 0.10% 1101 65.91 2.631

20 2.80% 0.70% 0.11% 1205 71.13 2.514


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ABAC Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder

ADCT Adaptive Discrete Cosine Transform

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASN. 1 Abstract Syntax Notation One

AU Access Unit

BCTF Block Cosine Transform with Filtering

BLT Block List Transform

BSPC Block Separated Component Progressive Coding

CALS Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support

CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee

CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee

CD-I Compact Disc-Interactive

CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory

CGM Computer Graphics Metafile

CIE Commission Internationale L'Eclairage

CMTT Committee on Mix of Telephone and Television

CPU Central Processing Unit

CVQ Component Vector Quantization


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CYMK Cyan/Yellow/Magenta/Black

DARPA Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency

DCTD Adaptive DCT and Differential Entropy Coding

DCTV Discrete Cosine Transform with Vector Quantization

DFT Discrete Fourier Transform

DIS Draft International Standard

DoD Department of Defence

DP Draft Proposal

DVI Digital Video Interface

FDCT Forward Discrete Cosine Transform

FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface

FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard

FTAM File Transfer, Access and Management

GBTC Generalized Block Truncation Coding

GKS Graphics Kernel Systems

GOSIP Government Open System Interconnection Protocol

HDTV High Definition Television

IDCT Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

IGES Initial Graphic Exchange Specification

IPM Interpersonal Messaging

IS International Standard


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ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ITU International Telecommunications Union

IVD Integrated Voice and Data

JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group

LAN Local Area Network

MHS Message Handling System

MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group

MS Message store

MTA Message Transfer Agent

MTS Message Transfer System

NTSC National Television Systems Committee

ODA Office Document Architecture

ODIF Office Document Interchange Format

ODL Office Document Language

PCS Progressive Coding Scheme

PHIGS Programmers' Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System

PRBN Progressive Recursive Binary Arithmetic

RGB Red/Green/Blue

SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language

TC Technical Committee

TIFF Tagged Image File Format


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TRT Token Rotation Timer

TTS Timed-Token Service

UA User Agent

VDM Virtual Device Metafile

VT Virtual Terminal

WD Working Draft

WG Working Group


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1. Standards for compound document format

a. International standards

ODA ISO 8613-1, Information Processing Systems - Text and Office Systems -

Office Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Part 1:

Introduction and General Principles (1988)

ISO 8613-2, Information Processing Systems - Text and Office Systems -

Office Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Part 2:

Document Structure

ISO 8613-4, Information Processing Systems - Text and Office Systems -

Office Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Part 4:

Document Profile

ISO 8613-5, Information Processing Systems - Text and Office Systems -

Office Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Part 5: Office

Document Interchange Format (ODIF)

ISO 8613-6, Information Processing Systems - Text and Office Systems -

Office Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Part 6:

Character Content Architectures

ISO 8613-7, Information Processing Systems - Text and Office Systems -

Office Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Part 7: Raster

Graphics Content Architectures

ISO 8613-8, Information Processing Systems - Text and Office Systems -

Office Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Part 8:

Geometric Graphics Content Architectures

CCITT Recommendation T.410 (Blue Book, 1988) Open Document

Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Overview

CCITT Recommendation T.411 (Blue Book, 1988) Open Document

Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Introduction and General



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CCITT Recommendation T.412 (Blue Book, 1988) Open Document

Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Document Structure

CCITT Recommendation T.414 (Blue Book, 1988) Open Document

Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Document Profile

CCITT Recommendation T.415 (Blue Book, 1988) Open Document

Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Document Interchange Format


CCITT Recommendation T.416 (Blue Book, 1988) Open Document

Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Character Content


CCITT Recommendation T.417 (Blue Book, 1988) Open Document

Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Raster Graphics Content


CCITT Recommendation T.418 (Blue Book, 1988) Open Document

Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format - Geometric Graphics Content


SGML ISO 8879, Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Standard

Generalized Markup Language (1986)

DSSSL ISO/IEC/ JTC 1/SC 18, Document Style Semantics and Specification

Language (Currently Draft form)

b. Industry standards

MO:DCA Mixed Object: Document Content Architecture (IBM)

RTF Rich Text Format (Microsoft)

CDA Compound Document Architecture (DEC)

DDIF Digital Document Interchange Format (DEC)

EPS Encapsulated PostScript

PCL Printer Control Language (Hewlett-Packard)


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2. Character

ISO 9541 Information Processing - Font and Character Information Interchange

ISO 2022 Information Processing - ISO 7-bit and 8-bit Coded Character Sets -

Code Extension Techniques (1986)

ISO 6429 Information Processing - ISO 7-bit and 8-bit Coded Character Sets -

Additional Control Functions for Character Imaging Devices (1983)

ISO 6937 Information Processing - Coded Character Sets for Text Communication


ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

3. Raster graphics

CCITT Recommendation T.6, Facsimile Coding Schemes and Coding Control

Functions for Group 4 Facsimile Apparatus (1984)

4. Geometric graphics

CGM ISO 8632, Information Processing System - Computer Graphics - Metafile

for the Storage and Transfer of Picture Description Information (1987;

Amendment 1, 1990; Amendment 3, 1991)

GKS ISO 7942, Information processing system - Computer Graphics - Functional

Specification of the Graphical Kernel System (GKS, 1985)

PHIGS ISO 9592, Information Processing Systems - Computer Graphics -

Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS, 1988)

IGES Initial Graphic Exchange Specification

5. Digital video

a. International standards

JPEG ISO 10918, JPEG Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-Tone Still

Images (Draft Standard, 1991)


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MPEG ISO 11172, Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio (MPEG,Committee Draft, 1990)

H.261 CCITT Recommendation H.261, Video Codec for Audio Visual Services at

px64 kbits/s (1990)

b. Industry Standards

DVI Digital Video Interactive

CD-I Compact Disc-Interactive

6. Message Handling Systems (MHS)

MHS CCITT Recommendation X.400, (Blue Book, 1988), Message Handling

Systems: System Model-Service Elements.

CCITT Recommendation X.401, (Blue Book, 1988), Message Handling

Systems: Basic Service Elements and Optional User Facilities.

CCITT Recommendation X.408, (Blue Book, 1988), Message Handling

Systems: Encoded Information Type Conversion Rules.

CCITT Recommendation X.409, (Blue Book, 1988), Message Handling

Systems: Presentation Transfer Syntax and Notation.

CCITT Recommendation X.410, (Blue Book, 1988), Message Handling

Systems: Remote Operations and Reliable Transfer Server.

CCITT Recommendation X.411, (Blue Book, 1988), Message Handling

Systems: Message Transfer Layer.

CCITT Recommendation X.420, (Blue Book, 1988), Message Handling

Systems: Interpersonal Messaging User Agent Layer.

CCITT Recommendation X.430, (Blue Book, 1988), Message Handling

Systems: Access Protocol for Teletex Terminals.


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