Get Your Astrology Natal/Birth Chart (2024)

How to Obtain Free Chart

How to get your free natal chart

Not too long ago, obtaining a copy of your natal chart entailed either going to an Astrologer, using a specialized chart service, or studying how-to astrology books. Now, it’s pretty much as simple as pointing your browser to an appropriate website.

A great site for getting a professional, accurate natal chart is Astrodienst.This is the website to visit for a printable birth chart as well as graphs, ephemerides, and more.*

A more straightforward method of finding out your astrology positions is as follows:

Get Your Astrology Natal/Birth Chart (1)

What you’ll need:

  • Your Birth Data, which includes your birth day, year, time, and place.If you don’t know your time of birth, you can still determine some basic positions.

Get Your Astrology Natal/Birth Chart (2)

Click through to our free natal chart service, and carefully input your birth data in the form.

Get Your Astrology Natal/Birth Chart (3)

At the top of the screen you will find a list of planets and the signs they occupy in your chart. For example, it may read Sun Virgo, Moon Aries, etc. You can also find the sign of your Ascendant with this list. A free natal chart report, which interprets a number of factors in the natal chart, is displayed. The interpretations include some of those found on our site.

If You Don’t Have a Birth Time: You can still find out some “basic stats” with only a birth date. Irecommend following the steps above, and inputting your birth time as “Time Unknown”. This will give you what Astrologers call a “Noon Chart”. You won’t know your true Ascendant sign, and your Moon sign may not be accurate.

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****If you’re unsure of your natal chart positions, you can look them up here:Natal Chart report.

Get Your Astrology Natal/Birth Chart (4) If you prefer we look up your natal chart positions, please send an email:

If you have difficulty determining your natal chart details (that is, the sign of your Sun, Moon, Mercury, and so forth), you can send anemail to with your full birth information (birth date, time, and place) and we will provide you with the positions for free. Be sure to specify what you’re requesting (Natal Chart Details). This is not a free natal chart, which I offer online here (self-service):our free birth chart report. Instead, it’s a list of the positions in your chart, such as “The Moon is in Aries” or “Mercury is in the fourth house”. An example of this basic position listing is as follows:

Astrological Data for Prince Charles

November 14, 1948

9:14 PM

London, England
51 N 30 0 W 10 Tropical Placidus
Standard time observed GMT: 21:14:00
Time Zone: 0 hours West

Planet Positions:

Aspects and orbs:

Given below are the zodiac sign and house positions of the planets:

Sun is in Scorpio.
The Moon is in Taurus.
Mercury is in Scorpio.
Venus is in Libra.
Mars is in Sagittarius.
Jupiter is in Sagittarius.
Saturn is in Virgo.
Uranus is in Gemini.
Neptune is in Libra.
Pluto is in Leo.
The Moon’s North Node is in Taurus.
The Rising sign is Leo.
The Sun is in the fourth house.
The Moon is in the tenth house.
Mercury is in the fourth house.
Venus is in the fourth house.
Mars is in the fifth house.
Jupiter is in the fifth house.
Saturn is in the second house.
Uranus is in the eleventh house.
Neptune is in the fourth house.
Pluto is in the first house.
The Moon’s North Node is in the tenth house.

Semisextile Mars, Orb = 1 Deg 28 Min:
Moon Conjunct N. Node, Orb = 4 Deg 32 Min:
Moon Square Asc., Orb = 4 Deg 57 Min:
Moon Trine Jupiter, Orb = 0 Deg 33 Min:
Moon Trine Saturn, Orb = 4 Deg 50 Min:
Moon Sextile Uranus, Orb = 0 Deg 30 Min:
Mercury Opposition N. Node, Orb = 2 Deg 00 Min:
Mercury Square Asc., Orb = 1 Deg 34 Min:
Mercury Sextile Saturn, Orb = 1 Deg 41 Min:
Mercury SemiSquare Mars, Orb = 1 Deg 01 Min:
Venus Conjunct Neptune, Orb = 2 Deg 15 Min:
Venus Opposition MC, Orb = 3 Deg 07 Min:
Venus Sextile Pluto, Orb = 0 Deg 11 Min:
Mars Trine Pluto, Orb = 4 Deg 23 Min:
Mars Sesquiquadrate N. Node, Orb = 0 Deg 59 Min:
Mars Sesquiquadrate Asc., Orb = 0 Deg 34 Min:
Jupiter Opposition Uranus, Orb = 0 Deg 03 Min:
Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Pluto, Orb = 1 Deg 41 Min:
Saturn Trine N. Node, Orb = 0 Deg 18 Min:
Saturn Semisextile Asc., Orb = 0 Deg 07 Min:
Uranus SemiSquare Pluto, Orb = 1 Deg 38 Min:
Neptune Opposition MC, Orb = 0 Deg 52 Min:
Neptune Sextile Pluto, Orb = 2 Deg 26 Min:
Pluto Trine MC, Orb = 3 Deg 18 Min:

Please note that there are no strings to this–we have been freely sending people their astrological birth data and helping them find their positions since 2002. However, please be patient if we don’t get to your email the first time around. There are busy times when we might miss an email. This is especially the case with emails sent to any address other than Purchases are never necessary to get the basic information you need to learn about your chart.

*A note on Free Chart Calculation Services:

Important Notes About Astrology Software & Charting Services

Please note that when I say accurate above, it is in an almost perfect sense! While we all wish there were no ambiguities when creating charts, ambiguous historical time zones are a reality and no time zone database is entirely correct as a result.

Cafe Astrology offers the Free Report section at which is particularly good for newcomers to astrology but is visited by people of all levels of understanding of astrology. When there are fewer options, it’s easier to learn. It also offers a table and astrological sentences that help students of astrology understand the basic positions in their charts.

I also offer a free chart service at which has more in-depth options for chart calculations (this is my newer site that is fully functional but will fill in with more interpretations as I get to them). This can be used by students of astrology of all levels as well but it is probably better for those people really getting into the subject and wanting to explore additional techniques.

As I’ve done since opening the site in 2002, I recommend as an in-depth chart service for its brilliant options. You can add additional points such as a full range of asteroids at this excellent site. A newer and most excellent chart service site can be found at Astro Seek.

Note that with all astrological software, there are some discrepancies in the time zone atlases which can throw off some charts a little, most evident in the Ascendant and house cusps. It’s frustrating to newcomers since people have all sorts of ideas of which software is accurate and which isn’t, but most don’t realize that it almost always comes down to the problems with the atlas utilities (time zones), all of which have ambiguities. Most professional software programs use the ACS Atlas which is excellent, but of course, has some issues with historical time zones as do all historical time zone databases. My Zodiacal site linked just above currently uses the ACS Atlas, does at the time of this writing, and most of my offline software uses it. It is probably the industry standard, but it’s always good to remember that like any time zone atlas, it is imperfect.

Our free natal chart here uses the Geonames time zone atlas which is also excellent, although some time zones for birthdates before 1970 are inaccurate as well. It’s superior for dates after 1970.

It is for these reasons that I have always encouraged people to write to us to check the software atlas’ accuracy (it’s helpful to have a human take a look!) or to put in some research themselves. Even though for some dates nobody knows for sure whether daylight savings was in effect, it’s useful for people to know about the issue. For example, for some people who have written to me about their charts, I have provided them with the two possible charts in ambiguous cases, which differ by one hour. This way, they can at least work with the two and open their minds to the idea that one isn’t exactly right! So, no matter which software you use, it’s a good idea to check up on the time zone that was in effect at the time of your birth. My suggestion is to use a variety of software programs to see if there are discrepancies for your particular date.

Note that it is typically the time zone atlas issue that produces different results in astrology software. Differences that amount to minutes rather than full degrees (example, one software shows your Ascendant as 3 Aries 22 and another shows it as 3 Aries 15) have to do with the fact that a city spans over a range of latitude-longitude coordinates, and some databases use the city center coordinates while others might use the City Hall address (or equivalent). Neither is more accurate than the other. These differences are entirely negligible–equivalent to a fraction of a minute in birth time which is rarely recorded. Even if we were to use the precise hospital or birthing place coordinates, we’re working with birth times that are usually rounded to the minute if we’re lucky.

We all wonder about these discrepancies when first studying astrology, but as you work with more and more charts, you recognize the fruitlessness of trying to get the minutes of your degree positions precise. Getting the degree side right is possible in most cases.

In fact, the more you work with charts and recognize the imprecision of birth times in general, the many different house system options that different astrologers use, most of which successfully, the multiple charting options, techniques, and methods that each have their merit…you get the idea…the more you focus on those things that truly work for you and your client and recognize the need to keep an open mind.

In case you don’t already know, we help with this: you can write to with your full birth data and request your Ascendant because it’s the most sensitive point to birth time/time zones. Getting a human to look into things can be helpful!


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See Also:

  • Cafe Astrology Home
  • Daily Horoscope
  • Love Sign Compatibility

Get Your Astrology Natal/Birth Chart (2024)


How to find your astrology birth chart? ›

All you need to know is the date, exact time, and place of birth. Won points to websites such as that can give you your chart for free when you put in all that info. You can also download apps such as Co-star, Reha, or Sanctuary that will not only give you your birth chart but also explain each component.

What is the most accurate birth chart? ›

However, the Vedic chart is the most accurate, and the Western chart is inaccurate. The Vedic chart uses the sidereal zodiac, which properly aligns the zodiac with the constellations of the same name. The Western chart uses the tropical zodiac, which used to be accurate when it was first created around 275 CE.

What is the rarest natal chart? ›

The Grand Cross in astrology is one of the rarest natal chart aspects. Find out the three different types and what they mean for those born under it.

Is The natal chart free? ›

Generate your full natal chart and get a personalized horoscope reading by email every Monday, for free. WHAT'S A NATAL CHART?

What are my big 3 signs? ›

Chances are, someone has asked you about your "big three." That's astrological shorthand for your sun, moon, and rising signs, also known as an ascendant.

How do I find my house birth chart? ›

How to Read Houses in Your Birth Chart. Read the houses on your astrological birth chart counterclockwise from left to right. Your first house is the left-most segment. The zodiac sign on the outer edge of each segment determines your characteristics within each house.

Is there a difference between birth chart and natal chart? ›

A birth chart, also known as your natal chart, is a “snapshot of where all the planets were in their orbit the moment you were born,” Edut says. “The birth chart tells a story: your life story of what your soul came here to do and learn and become.”

Are birth charts 100% accurate? ›

Tests of astrology. Astrologers often avoid making verifiable predictions, and instead rely on vague statements that let them try to avoid falsification. Across several centuries of testing, the predictions of astrology have never been more accurate than that expected by chance alone.

Which planet is most powerful in birth chart? ›

In astrology, the Sun is usually thought to represent the conscious ego, the self and its expression, personal power, pride and authority, leadership qualities and the principles of creativity, spontaneity, health and vitality, the sum of which is named the "life force".

What zodiac is very rare? ›

Aquarius is the rarest zodiac sign out there.

Other government-backed data supports this—between 2000 and 2014, birthdays between January 20 and February 18 (the date range for Aquarius) were very uncommon when compared to other zodiac signs.

What indicates wealth in a birth chart? ›

The earth signs- Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn signs & planets posited in it play a vital role in making one wealthy. Also, placement of the lagna lord & its connections with the lords of houses (2-5-8-9-11) make one rich. Planets related with wealth in ones birth chart- Sun, Moon, Venus , Jupiter & Rahu.

What is the rarest birth ever? ›

What are the rarest birthdays?
  • February 29th: February 29th (Leap Day during Leap Year) is the rarest birthday with only a one in roughly 1,460 chance of being born on this date. ...
  • The second rarest birthday is Christmas Eve, December 24th.
  • Other uncommon birthdays include January 1st, December 25th, and January 2nd.
Feb 13, 2024

Which natal chart system is most accurate? ›

Here at Mastering the Zodiac, we find true sidereal to be the most accurate zodiac system because it uses the original sky. We find that referencing the essential chart shows the essential self. We still find Tropical accurate in showing physical characteristics - being a seasonal system derived from the sky.

What does my birth chart say about me? ›

In your birth chart, the position of these planets (in other words, which house the planets occupy) reveals how (and where) their energy appears in your life. Think of the planets as character archetypes, each tasked with playing a specific role in our lives.

Does 10 minutes make a difference in a birth chart? ›

Generally, 5 - 10 minutes will not make much difference to a Birth Chart. The greatest effect, if any, will be on House positions because the 24 hour rotation of the Earth means that there is a new sign on the Ascendant every 2 hours.

How do I calculate my birth chart number? ›

Write out your birthday in digits and then add them all up. For example, if your birthday is November 2, 1998, or 11/2/1998, you would add 1+1+2+1+9+9+8 = 31. Then keep adding until you get a single digit: In this case, 3+1 = a life-path number of 4.

What is the birth chart in astrology? ›

An astrological birth chart serves as a snapshot of the planets at the date, time, and location of our birth. It is a highly personal tool that enables us to understand ourselves better.

How do you find your birth chart degree? ›

Look at the 12 zodiac signs encircling the outside of your chart. A circle is 360 degrees, and each zodiac sign takes up 30 degrees (one 12th of the circle). Each sign begins at 0 degrees and grows to 29 degrees going counterclockwise.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.