The Meaning Of The 12th Degree In Astrology + Examples | Pisces Degree - AstroNiki (2024)

The meaning of the12thdegree in astrology + Examples | Pisces Degree- Degree Theory

The Meaning Of The12thDegree In Astrology + Examples | Pisces Degree - AstroNiki (1)
The meaning of the 12th degree in astrology

According to the late Serbian astrologerNikola Stojanovic’s research, the meaning of the12th degreein astrology isthat it carries all the domains of the Zodiac SignPisces.

Themain domains of the Zodiac Sign Pisces:spirituality, ocean,dreams, sleepingfantasy, imagination, movie industry, illusion, delusion, fog, overseas or faraway places, praying, angels, secluded or isolated places, psychic, savior mentality, addiction, mental issues, music.

Here you can read more aboutPisces.

{Related post:The meaning of the degrees in Astrology}

For natal chart reading, I use theWhole Sign House System-the most ancient one-not Placidus. However, the charts I uploaded are in Placidus House Calculation System. It can be confusing, mind you.

I use the meaning of the degrees asadditional informationfor the natal chart reading.

So, let’s look at some real-life examples of the meaning of the 12thdegreein astrology.

Please note that these examples are very brief interpretations.To fully understand a certain planetary position, one must check every detail of it.

Related Article: The 12th degree in Capricorn | Big wealth?

Ascendant at the 12thdegree in the natal chart

What does it mean if the Ascendant falls at the 12thdegree? As Ascendant is the psychical body, the physical side of the person, the path of life and so much more.

As the 12thdegree is the Pisces degree, it adds Pisces qualities to the native.

Both Kirsten Stewart and Matthew McConaughey have their Ascendant at the 12th degree. Both are exceptional actors and actresses in Hollywood.

As Pisces is the sign of creating illusions, being chameleon-like, and also playing roles it is a really auspicious position for working in the movie industry in front of the cameras. Also, Pisces’ influence makes them photogenic. Just watch how photogenic Pisces (Ascendant, Sun, or Moon) people are!

On a side note, probably we don’t know much about their lives, as Pisces is all about deception, projection, etc.

The Meaning Of The12thDegree In Astrology + Examples | Pisces Degree - AstroNiki (2)
The Meaning Of The12thDegree In Astrology + Examples | Pisces Degree - AstroNiki (3)
Johnny Depp- Ascendant at the 12th degree in Leo

Again, Ascendant is the appearance and the look and it talks about the path of life the native walks on. Ascendant at the Pisces degree is fairly beneficial for working in the movie industry, to play roles like a chameleon. And also to create illusions and also other people project on the natives whatever they want to see.

Not surprising that Johnny Depp’s most iconic movie role was Captain Jack Sparrow. Ocean, waters- Pisces analogy- playing the main role- Leo Ascendant.

Also, if the Ascendant is at the 12th degree it means the Descendant, the 7th house cusp is also at the 12th degree. The house of the marriage partner. Though he had life partners and even children before he got married to another movie star- again Pisces influence. Probably due to Pisce’s influence, he did not see clearly with whom he tied the knot. Most probably he was a bit delusional about that woman.

(Off-topic)And Interestingly enough the defamation trial happened during his 2nd Saturn return. 2nd Saturn return is when all the karmic debt is paid back or cleared. And it happened in his 7th house in Aquarius because he has his natal Saturn in the 7th house.

Wherever Saturn is located in the natal chart, the native has to even out the karmic debt there. In Aquarius can indicate also a responsibility or duty towards crowds. What I am saying is with that defamation trial he not only could clear his reputation but also opened millions of people’s eyes to the consequences of marrying someone with mental issues.

The Meaning Of The12thDegree In Astrology + Examples | Pisces Degree - AstroNiki (4)
The Meaning Of The12thDegree In Astrology + Examples | Pisces Degree - AstroNiki (5)
Sun at 12thdegree in the natal chart

The Sun or the solar qualities of the person are shining their light, having a center stage position like the Sun has in our solar system, achievements, and also it is the main career indicator.

Having the Sun at the 12thdegree is great for all Pisces-ruled careers, not only for working in the movie industry, but to be a creative writer, healer of sorts, or working in an isolated place such as a hospital, prison, dormitory, ashrams, etc.

Mel Gibson the world-famous actor, film director, and producer has his Sun at the 12thdegree. In the sign of Capricorn- worldly achievements, tangible results, and success.

The Meaning Of The12thDegree In Astrology + Examples | Pisces Degree - AstroNiki (6)

J R R Tolkien also had his Sun at the 12thdegree, in the 5thhouse in the sign of Capricorn. He had such vivid imagination and fantasy so to speak, he even created an imaginary world…

Sun in the 5thhouse also indicates a very creative individual, and it is also a great position for writers.

Moon at 12thdegree

The Moon symbolizes the mother or primary caretaker of the native, an ideal home environment, and also the inner dialogue, the emotions of the native.

What happens if the Moon is at the 12thdegree in the natal chart? There are a few possible scenarios. It can indicate firstly that the mother had Pisces qualities, such as being a psychic, a lost soul, compassionate, or working in a Pisces-ruled career field.

The ideal home environment for the native is next to the water, oceans, or on an island. It might show that the native’s home is somehow isolated from others, or he/she prefers to be isolated and to be alone at home.

Brigitte Bardot has her Moon at the 12thdegree in Gemini. The moon in Gemini indicates two or more homes. She is not only famous for her outstanding beautiful face and being an actor but she put Saint Tropez- a stunning town on the French Riviera- on the map, she owns a beautiful dream-like vacation-retreat home there.

The Meaning Of The12thDegree In Astrology + Examples | Pisces Degree - AstroNiki (7)
Mercury at the 12thdegree

What does it mean if Mercury is at the 12thdegree in the natal chart?

Mercury is the planet of communication, driving, siblings, mates, neighbors, close environment, logic, and gathering information.

If Mercury falls at the 12thdegree – regardless of which Zodiac sign and house- it carries Pisces qualities. The communication of the native might be confusing or misses details, or talk about Pisces-ruled topics. Or the people around the natives are Pisces-like, they carry either the good or the bad qualities of this Zodiac sign…

Or the native talks, reads, and writes about Pisces topics.

What are your experiences with the 12th degree? Do you have it in your natal chart? Please share your experiences in the comments below, so we can all learn from them. Cheers, Niki

Related Articles, the degree series:

Secrets of the degrees

0 degree

Aries degrees:1stdegree, and13thdegree, and25thdegree

Taurus degrees:2nddegree, and14thdegree, and26thdegree

Gemini degrees:3rddegree, and15thdegree, and27thdegree

Cancer degrees:4thdegreeand16thdegreeand28thdegree

Leo degrees:5thdegreeand17thdegreeand29thdegree

Virgo degrees:6thdegreeand18thdegree

Ascendant at the 18th degree

Libra degree:7thdegreeand19thdegree

Scorpio degrees:8thdegreeand20thdegree

Sagittarius degrees:9thdegreeand21stdegree

Capricorn degrees:10thdegreeand22nddegree, 12th degree in Capricorn

Aquarius degrees:11thdegreeand23rddegree

Pisces degrees:12thdegreeand24thdegree

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The Meaning Of The 12th Degree In Astrology + Examples | Pisces Degree - AstroNiki (2024)


What does the degree mean in astrology? ›

What are degrees in your birth chart? Zodiac signs and planets fall at a specific place in the sky. This is known as an astrological degree. These degrees give meaning and depth to the hidden characteristics of the sign and planet, allowing us to understand their internal forces on a deeper level.

What does the 12th degree mean in astrology? ›

12° Pisces / Neptune: swimming, near water, disguises, illusions, missing, rain, flood, out of focus, misplaced, unclear, “foggy”. As you can see, degrees 1 through 12 align with the zodiac calendar. Once you reach the 13th degree, you reset in the sign of Aries as you can see below: 13° Aries: critical degree.

What does 12th astrology mean? ›

The twelfth house rules the subconscious mind, dreams, intuition, instinct, hypnosis, secrets, and everything hidden or that is part of the mysterious side of life, namely the behind-the-scenes or underground activity that you are not aware of or that you must keep confidential.

What are the powerful degrees in astrology? ›

Critical degrees are specific points within each sign that are known to have intensified astrological significance. These degrees are 0, 29, and sometimes 15 degrees. Each of these has a special energy and deals with beginnings, endings, and heightened traits or intensity.

What is the degree method of astrology? ›

The method utilizes the degrees of the planets in the birth chart . The planets in the highest degree and lowest degree are taken into account. Even planets which are 6/8 positions away from each other, will be combined when their degrees are close.

How do you read the degree of a planet in astrology? ›

  1. Degrees are where a planet or point sits on a 360 degree circle.
  2. 0-30 degrees of that circle is considered Aries.
  3. 30–60 degrees is Taurus, 60–90 degrees is Gemini, and so on.
  4. So within that overall picture, each 30 degree sign of the zodiac is talked about as being 30 degrees.
Feb 6, 2020

What is the secret of the 12th house in astrology? ›

The 12th house is the house of the subconcious and dreams and about exploring the hidden mysteries of life. This can show up in the form of invisible enemies, grief, and the big answers to life but it can also show up as the house for insight, desires, hidden talents, and spiritual connection.

What is the 12th house representation in astrology? ›

The Twelfth House: Psyche

The Twelfth House is considered the most psychic, spiritual, and mysterious area of the birth chart, so those born with planets in this area are often highly intuitive individuals who encounter psychic and spiritual experiences.

What does it mean to be born in the 12th house? ›

The Twelfth House of the Unconscious

Those born with planets in the Twelfth House are often highly intuitive, perhaps even psychic. We attract karmic people into our lives when planets transit the Twelfth House, but during this time, we must also remember that not all relationships are meant to last.

What planet rules the 12th? ›

The 12th house, also sometimes called the House of Unconscious, is ruled by Pisces and the planets Jupiter and Neptune.

What does the number 12 mean in astrology? ›

12 numerology represents the highly creative and artistic. 12 is a number of “self” versus a group, similar to 1 numerology. If you were born on the 12th day of the month, you have a talent for writing and speaking. Your 12 numerology makes you a great salesperson too, gifting you with a persuasive personality.

What is the 12th house of the subconscious mind? ›

Known as the house of the subconscious, the hidden, and the mystical, the Twelfth House is a realm where the veil between the conscious and the unconscious is thin. It's a place where intuition, dreams, and the deeper currents of the psyche come alive.

What is the 12 degree in astrology? ›

The 12th degree is the Pisces degree in astrology and it carries all the qualities of Pisces. Do you have Sun at 12th degree, or Moon at 12th degre, or Venus at 12th degree, or Ascendant at the 12th degree?

Which is the most powerful degree? ›

List of the best degrees for the future
  • Engineering degree. Electrical engineering. ...
  • Information technology degree. Computer science. ...
  • Finance / business degree. Finance. ...
  • Medicine / healthcare degree. Pharmacology.

What is the rich degree in astrology? ›

If there are planets in the human horoscope in the 27th, 28th, 29th degrees, such a person can achieve something special in his life. There are many millionaires with planets at 27, 28, 29 degrees in all signs, but most in earth or water signs.

What does 28 degrees mean in astrology? ›

In astrology, the 28th degree of a sign is known as the anaretic degree. It holds a significant meaning and is often associated with: 1) A sense of urgency, completion, or crisis. 2) Karmic crossroads. 3) Heightened sensitivity and vulnerability.

What does the 29th degree mean in astrology? ›

Traditionally the 29th degree is the Transition degree. So, it means that the person is constantly under pressure. I use Whole Signs now, so the most important guide in my world is the ruler of the ascendant, the sign and house of said ruler. If that ruler happens to be at 29 degrees too, then heaven help you!

What does 0 degrees mean in astrology? ›

In the natal chart, planets or points at 0° of a sign take a stance that either indulges in or embraces the very pure, undiluted nature of the sign. There's a fresh, unstudied quality to a planet at this degree.

What does the 23 degree mean in astrology? ›

If you have a planet at 23° in Cancer or Pisces, you have an opportunity to bring that changing energy forth easily. If you have something at 23° Fixed or Cardinal, the energy is more dynamic. Take care and may the force be with you.

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