Orlando Evening Star from Orlando, Florida (2024)

Cowmarclol Hantnti II Off let Kafitih FOSTEK FKIVITICK 1ApgrtwnH Unfurwlih 76 Homti Far Rn-Uwfuw. 1Ume ta nare 180-Apartments irOBAae 700 si, ft, fnr nlutnlMir or small Mirwr. lotatine liuullon washlwiloii and John I bdrm. 1151 THE SUMMIT- pngi 4 Oriando Evening Star Monday, July 31, 1172 Klssimmee wnw LEASING Young rarpwav. courts, unfur- vp.

i book, -ennn HACHILOR TO IHARI 2 bdrm story const. IJI4770. nitneai DOWNTOWN- Net J-bdrm. IlVbath townhouse, central healalr, meny hinurvjeaturos. 1335, 421 56)1, OOLONIALTOyVN.

2 breere- hous. with l.m..s7t Rentals bdrm. ads. from $200 pool, OSCEOLA SUN BUILDING 7nn VINE STREET km. walk 10 everyimng, mAinanu, YOUNG WOMAN Deslrei to ihara way, garage, wasntr, oryer, n- (Coert.

From hm ding logo) Packwood Ant. AST AH. ft her numa wnn sairie. a varm, k.k au tki atlar A 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH INDUSTRIAL LOTS Mooern onita nit Conlra air conditioning, late oil irae i tu.lonier parklne, IS Pete fw YOUNG WOMAN -With I child age Plnelpch take 1 avail wainer, narowooa noori. 841-7741, DOVER SHOAES area-Spacious 1 1 bath.

Fla. room, central air, all draoed, fenced, $715 mo. Lucille Dillon Broker, 425-717J. BUY NOW; BUILD NOW a tarvtLV, fw.i wants 10 snare j-ourm am. in able.

Off Michigan. Lake, neaieo pnol, launa. ear $44. Jill derurale lo lull, very eitrac-i, KS eerggmant. ProvIM Dhled ilin on Vine It.

Or Loier, Your Own Warehouse same, davi 444-1424, ask tor mite White. 1a ati io r.anilAman share aicel. BDRM. Downtown, clean, and eur.i Fwnnn. 4.111.

Aj'olan Way, I Abo i nti innarf iiwfiutrlal available In nice. $85 Call I93-4Ji or 447-3547. bdrm, 1 path, $I3, 1st last, lent Wlier rer wn CONTACT KEN GUTHRIE 277-1492. pkil security aeposir. erre lo 10 aire tracts, low down 422-1876, hont 447-4I5J anyiima.

beautiful 1 bdrm apt Take over Call Collect WSlimmee EUROPI (2030) OH. IS A. (In EMPLOYtu maie wisnee POODLES- AKC tiny toy Ifow do. At stud. Top hood lineil CHAM-P ON UED PUPPIES; Thy but color.

Adults. I'WH -POODLE PUPPIES nice unregistered, ronbi, ejssman H4'" POODLES- Tin Pocket toy pupplei and Stud lervlce from Champions and tiny If while. silver, buck itrkitl ppriiof. TarrM. 30W83-8360.

Arcadia gcresl Norrh of Colonial bdrm with same. Furniineq, lease, $135.30 mo. $100 deposit. Swimming pool and laundry facilities. Close to shopping center, Sat.

and Sun. all day, 143-4742. t.f.. 1 1 bath, brick, rear WARKHOtMl 1W8 Id m. Fnr itoraoe or lluht manutat luring.

Other ipeces-J0 mo, and up air, pool, call 444W8J alter 1. IRffiajor Center fenced, teate, lit and last, 1170 nu, ujaiaau. Uuifh I rhllriran. wishes to 434-4441. Mon.

mo Manager. share apt. end apenses with MraLTYINC. REALTOR with I SO. PT.

Industrial manutar-furlng or warehouse space divided Custom designed otlire space in a new and modern building loraled In middle ol everylhlng, Idea lo.atlon at ih rmbiroads of the rla. the working girl or woman child, ph. 445-3)74. rur.i rmoon, 4315 APPlan Way. 3 1184, 111 CLASSES parm, I pain, TAintiy riiin, and last, security, 177-1492.

into 4.000 Idi ana wn www. haul, rtnrk he loht. 1 ohasa turnplkg lr.ter.t.te-4. Pre- furnished in f.lartl current, take Hnwell Pd. Cai- na.

uiiimat i in anil rental 4J1-4874 Or JJ2849S lelberry Cll leryice mciunru nnnm 83 Rooms For Ren! PUPPIES- Mostly SpmlC. $5 each. 4 males, 1 trmelei. Raised rates, aii wi'i: Mnnnnlia Executive Center AMELIA-1 pleasarrt, convo- 95 Rental Aqenfs Downstair! room nientjs. Aduitsno pais, ww AWELIH 1 LAKEFRONT- 2 bdrm.

hhoma, new-y decorated, carpet, new appliances, air, STOP moCall 424-6790, LAKE BRANTLEY AREA. 3 I'i baths, ill appliances, fully carpeted, $185 month, 1100 damage deposit, 834-0798. LAKE I Lorea- 3 Tv bath, air heat, refrigerator, stove, drapes, 330S Renlea PI, off Crystal. mature tuuar Itn mtcnen-H. ipr Prlmg downtown location i j.

rem Lake Ivenhoa. Uretanel lervlc.s aa Uftle. Now AMPLIA Near Orange, email l-bdrm. aot mature women, utilities paid, $5, no peljaMWlj llemanJSMU PROI-EiTlONAL Real EOala Leav Ing and Manaeainant, Com. POODLE PUPS- Apricot mini tov, maleer female, each.

Pn. 44W, PERSIAN KITTENS. CSA, very cute, many colon, oood Unas. 33-0317, All wkend. Man.

efter m- i leasing 1 and root AKICEBILT HOTEL S28 merelal, Residential, juii. miner -J Sa' .4 r'lamtorla ANGtblLT HUI tL xO Nlra rtvate air conditionod notat Reaitor-trw, a-en. hath, ahnne weekly KrvicS. David (5i, Weadowi, Build- Nice prlvetg air conditioned hotel room with 1 mad service, an tor w. hi ell for lie wk yic.

er Realtor, 141-1350; aval able, coffee shop downtaira. POODLES- 1 beautiful light epr cot, miniature puop.cs, I wki. old. Have I'Vbath, 3185 mo. room with bam, pnone, maid lerylce, all for $21 wk.

TV'l available, caffea shoo downlown, 37 T000T.9 NORTHWEST. A3-bdrm, carpet, enclosedV aaraee, first and last, 816-4214. N. OKANiit- er, ui -i a Orenge Ave4235nj, TOP am Aanania mm, vv. hi snots.

rny. ft. urnge Ave. as jn. 2 homes close by, room, fV Knowlton; Realtor BEELINc Oil wk.

orlvata bath, $30 AMELIA Attractivo apacwus. nceire ina bcut. nn in. corner 855-8644. references.

855-4i, central air, perfect tor iMcneiorv Mwm ad- $165 NORTHWEST-t Executive) 1 bdrm, 3 bath, family room, carpets, drapes, air, ro pets, li'S. 343-8016. NORTHWEST- bdrm, bah, central heat-air, carpeted, oaragj, $225 1-323-5874 or 3344579. air, private entrance, privet, aain, Twin beds, $25 Single, PEKINGESE Males AKC, ISO; female $60; 426 Deeux.ile PUG- Puooiv fawn with black masks, AKC, Wki. old.

i female! I m.i. nl.4?61. PEKINGESE PUPS-AKC too COLLEGE PARK, loin Ing bath, air, double. 422-3820. BOONE SCHOOL AREA- Man oyer iiiivn.

For Bale MoO Mobile Homes 21. Efficiency 7S per mo. uniitiei fncluded. Also4 room et, tor 2 men, ea. Deposit.

277 0319. ctwio AREA-Loveiy room in Orlando Central Park orluate noma, oatn ana anuain-a ma LAKE Falrvltw mobllo homes. 0ldJ65j 8347 r. can 1125-up. Swimming, boating tlshing.

Ankney Mobile Homes See our new model! end it new model- eno rot.ONIAL PLAZA Area- Room and adults only, no pais, su rw board, for elderly, private home, ano- Plorlda'i most prestlgioul ottica AARON-RENTS OF ORIANDO Trailer APIS, wj-iuii- Trailer storage, acces- comple, excellent location, Maun- II a.a-l iBJ. i.i, imi, a-ryunia, series, Insurance, CLOSE IN-clean, 3 room I ana bottled ges. ootiiea i ang rinse TO VMCA. Air, pool, Ihower. 1 or 3 employed gentlemen.

Oltlca t'flilers on tul laietront surrounuin, to your needs, carpal, drapes, parking, all Included. phone, wrtployed Person. FURNITURE LEASING WITH OPTION TO BUY IMOWIOOMS TO snvivou sr rent or Blsm. Tr. vum ft Aranae iminiii mn.

m-mi SHELTIES-Minlature collies. AKC, tibit and whit, ihoti, I male. 1 Icmales, I wki, marked beautiful, ST. BERNARD- registered, IS moj. old, champion blood line.

trmlyQtitle. 277-6B75. SAMOYED Pure wnite. AKC champion blood line bred In Seattle, loveable disposition house broke, female, I moi. 2 I3Wi fi-n-wi 155-2980, Ocela, 622 8661.

i $25 week, all Keasonaoie ram. CLOSE IN- rm i cr.E PAak. Pr vat. batn, are Included, see ei kitchen orlvllegei. buslnesi.

lady Altaejoite Sprii-73S Hwy. 4341 AMERICAN- 71, air, 2 bdrm, bath, shaded Int. 999-1144 attar 6.30 am. utiiitiei RETAIL STOREROOM- 3,200 SO AIR. S.

ORANG. Cheney FcgjrhwJy. Cheney areferred. Ph. 422 0894 alter 4 P.m.

small down, take oyer. PARK- new, 1 COLLEGE COLON I ALTOWN- Prlvetg unit, central air, carpet. 422-0760 OR 422- 131-4300 OnaA. duplex ATLANTA SHOW COACH hatn, entrance, air, iw, nice furnlshlngsjnsi 42J154 SHETLAND SHEEP DOG- IhOW, wk. 1500 Woodward at.

2753 4 Special Deluxe '72 model, 12x60 Fremont bay window with awnlnnt male. AKC registered, hai won pOWNTOWN-Beautlful COLONI ALTOWN- Lake View, ground floor, 2 bdrm, Ifaclous, new rooms Orange Ave. ribbon troohies, III Place and air, set In new Perk. 77x100 lot WINTER PARK Mat Rini iuCUIIB UHPTM day or ween, ew n. 422-5131.

mature aauits, wr, Kegais vj-ijm. eVSIAMESE KITTENS COLONIAL TOWN- bdrm. garage cct tAt cv. fUMriiA aoed work Located directly acrpsi the Itreet from The European Hjallh Spa, the BAIRD HOME INC. 8320 E.

Colonial, 277-7471 Ino man only, TV, air, noma pn- vlfeoes. 812.50 Wk, 422-7211. apt. nice furnisnirro, ir, married couple, $135, COLLEGE PARK- Efficiency. New- brano new kakij huh in awallahla tnr mmed ate OC- HOLIDAY HOSPITAL ARE A- For Rent-Furn.

77 Homei 76 Homei for Bonr-Unfurn. Seal Point females. kitten jnjdultpnoneSMWPl STaMESE KITTENS, Seajpolnt. very affectionate, pox trained, SIS. 76 Homei Far Rent-Unfuri.

cupeney. prestlgioul wcanun i redecorated, uuier. jjmui ko-j- Bachelor nas room privai PL'osd In-Vcrjh choice rMiflAin monin reniai rvi CHATEAU- '68. Custom bu'lt, 12x60, 2 bdrm. Original cost $10,000 Central heat, carpet, drapes, itove and refrigerator, Window awnings and palio cover.

8500 cash and Ing Near 1-4 1st eno PARK KNOWLES DOWNTOWN WINTER PARK Fum. 1 Unfurn. luxury Apartments for Adults 300 N. Knowles Ave 644 929? for same. Reasonaoia, pn.

wwn. Information, call ao-aaou. COLLEGE PARK- Large newlY $87.50 to jioy (WO. LEE RO-Ott. Room With private SOUTH- bdrm, 1 bath, air, vard.

1190 1st and last, Sanford. 3Z3-2H LARGE OFFICE for rent. UP.fair; batn. Kitcnen privuo ii 2-BEDROOM masonry home, car NORTH bdrm, 2 bath, central heat-air, decorated, aauiis, np pen, No lease. Ample parking.

tuciuApawPR bum. AKC brad Ml of deposit, 855-7374 after 5:30 week Window air conditioning, amoloved person. Ph. 444-926T. wtrt a rtmm.

Mir. narlInM 1 7fl mn days, 5at sun, an oay, -u COLON I AL TOWN assume J480Q paiance. rn, mi-ron. COVET- 'I fl. self contained, Sleeps 8, condition, 8850.

Call 831-6668 or 671-6117. aaonTEREY HOME Private Quiet 471 N. KBEDROOM cozy cottage, screened nnrrh. 187.50 mo AL5Q 41UKE mr rem. ei, carpeted, rural.

$190 mo. tan yeo. Wlllmer, Ajsoc. Inc. Realtor.

hnm for sober day employed man. rajigae422-551 tor temperament, 7 Wkl. 1 9 0. WELSH TERRIER-Beaytltul young male, registered, Inoculated, noy trained, friendly. Rissman.

144-1285. LAKE FRONT, 1 carpet, air, auiet. Couples or single from $140 DOWNSTAIRS 2-bedroom garage SOUTHWEST- executive lakefront home, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, den, ereened porch, fireplace, large lot with trees, 4 mo. lease, security deposit Bus tine, no wn, ui-mu. 331-6900.

THE MAITLAND BUILDING CHAMPION '69- Fully ca'peled. screened porch, $94 mo. aciiiiiuEllT ftllFSTS. 170. mo.

no pert, 841-6100. LlADTUFAtT. BLAAIlfiflll flOW 3 air, awning and utility sned, tow UPSTAIRS Parana mm bdrm, 2 bath home, never occupied. CLOSE IN- near. Lake tola.

required, 855-9533. down payment and assume 8 pet located 8140 mo. Includes Room, Breakfast and dinner. For Information call or rr.J Uiinlar Arms Hotel. BOARD YOUR DOG At Greenbrier, loving care, lowest rate.

Try Itl building Ave. New professional et 235 Maitland VISIT OLW Property Management SOUTHWEST SECTION-2. ItilitieS also 2 parm. nunw. ruit-shede, 423-2464 anytime.

Kitchen equippea, oeem wiima in family room, solarium off master wrna.nnaiii,... desirable couple. Lease, 1st mo. You' like itl rn. tm-tjn.

loan. Call after 6, 851-4265. DELUXE MANATEE "'71. 60x12', 2 central air, new furniture. Downtown, si.

tiova nynu" Department toaayi Arthur's Real Estate Service CLOSE IN- 1 bdrm, air, private. Customln vour office plans now for bdrm. carpeting, trees, mm mo. Guidui Realty, Realtor. 471-1177 or FREE CATS 305-892-2902.

All rooms air commun to good home (3)1 $15. Phone 6-400. and drapes, anchored, skirting. Realtori J4 N. MHU Seoiemoer occupemy.

Siamese kitten i ed Plus tubanfl pool privileges, mature aouit, tiu Include! utilities, 423-4204. 671-6664. 10x20' awning, delivered to your lot advance, security i ma. nw nm. 843-2217.

SUMMERSET 3 bdrm. Brand new 471-1052 uuikitpr PARK- Prestige area. WANTED PUPPIES and email dogi rni ftMiAt PLAZA 2 bdrm, Loads parking. or ours and set up. completely.

livt Besidt Thi Foirway Enjoy FREE UNLIMITED GOLF Centrel air, private bath, carpet, ORANGE MEMORIAL Area-2-bdrm, garage, 1 Child, no petl, 277-1820, 277-1229. redecorated, air, near bus. couple. 85,480. can anytime.

e-im. nouse iramwj uti. DIMM AN 644-1285 COLONIALTOWN-NTC- 4 room duplex, $97 mo, married couples, no pets, 894-8240 anu nira no. ti. Walk to bank, post office, bui atop, pi in i no petl, $175.

Deposit, 841-768. REGISTRY II- FLA. STUD FLE ETWOOD-Brand new. Deluxe. 52X 24.

3 bedroom, 2 bath. This week tpmtra: Meal location, SOUTHEAST- 2 bdrm. air, kitchen equipped, walk to bus, and elemen AD FA. bedroom, PINE HILL COLONIAL PLAZA WEST uLauu, km.o,. employed perwni only.

Call Listings information, Free itud. COLONIALTOWN- Lovely new 2-bdrm, equipped kitchen, carpet, equipped, utility room. kitchen tary $150, ist-iast, ejiotmu. Call Lester Katmenson, Owner. 2 bdrm, $165 mo.

Call 841-8699, needed. 131-5821, 831-7169. 293-9163. fenced yard, carport, $150 mo. 1st FLEETWOOD-Brand new.

Deluxe. 60X 24, 3 bedroom, 2 full bath. This drapes, aauits, no peis, rnntractnr, 241-3354. Realty, bedroom, PARK-Lerge and last. Tomnn WINTER "TAST ORLANDO ESTATES C.

C. watkins seaiior la-ion. WINTER PARK- 3-bdrm 2-bath, garage, centre! an, patio, 4 mo. lease, $250, Wolcott Realty Realtor RficTrR EQUIPMENT for Renf 645-3565. caroet.

TV, ihower, air, wean. week 1 bdrm, $165 mo. Call 841-8699, with option to buy. Call Aaron Rent motel 422-5506. CLOSE IN- 2 garage Air.

vauna married couple, nice adult, 5IL 5 MOBILE HQME5 647-6505: i iicconuT. wt Orlando. 5. orange aw. 57 fet Grooming.

Boarding for elderly PISE HILLS- 108 Hope circle, a bdrm, large living and Fla. room, central heat and air, $225 plul $225 ROOM AND BOARD no pets, water $135 mo. lit 2000 E. COLONIAL 277-1537 2-bdrm, air. Includes lomt utiiitiei, REGENCY SQUARE ledy, can m-vrt.

and last, $50 $175 Plul deposit, 671-1747, DOUBLE EE MOBILE HOMES deposit, vacant, ayj-uu, 17-92 NEAR, furnished room tor 414. Executive offices and suites, reasonably priced. Central uEAB.Parta 1 1 furn shed dime Mills Area- 3-bdrm. air, 7700 Colonial 277-7683 business laay, an pnvncvc, w. CLOSE IN-Alr-reaionable- attractive-nice neighbors.

400 Florida St. 843-5893-weekend or alter 5:30 aiau, i itAi hath, carpeted, GOLFSIDE Villas Phone 671-2400 2550 S. Semoran Blvd. and air conditioning, fully car carpet, fenced, cjood condition, $225, GROOMING GUPPIES PUP-PIE Ml breeds. SPECIAL with this coupon, 15 pet.

discount. 834-6666. 430 E. Semoran Blvd. mO 1-323-I5jj FESTIVAL-24X 44, 3 bdrm, 1 ba.

NEED TO RENT A HOUSE, APT? The Original Homefinden Broker. Rental Specialist, 421 E. Colonial. 843-7970 9 til 7. 2-BDRM- Modern, carpeted, fenced.

Winter Park near 1-4, $150 mo. first and last mo. plus damage deposit. Atkins-Greene-Stouffer Co. Realtori 212 E.

Colonial 425-1681 garage. Vacant. $185. Julia Miller peted- e'tvalnr. Call 8TI-360O.

5610 Arunoet itynm. ihare bath, kitchen, i mrx Dnnu. Assoc, Realtor 425-4781. TO tiieDhona privileges. Reaso COLLEGE PARK- 4 roomi, bath, newly decorated, carpet, a I carpet, skirling.

Has been model-must sell. Terms to fit your budoet. RonLee 273-4010; PINE HILLS AREA 1 bath, air, SOUTHEAST- 2 bdrm, to right party, iva-juvo. nable adults, no pets, hm. mu-w- 91-Commercial 'Rentals $105 security, ouiet.

$105 mo. plus rniuaiAi TOWN-Laroo ouiet, 3 Ponlea, Bupptlee bdrm, 2 bath, equipped kitchen. 58 Horses, Ph 425-3258, KIRKWOOD-'68, furnished, 12x60, small down and take over pay. Adults, no pets, Moffses, Realtor. or Triplexes- bdrm, adults, no pars, Utility room, living rvwm, yard.

$250 per mo. Mon 10-5, 1 85 Duplexes 100, 843-2170. Rent ALTAMONTE-Shop WESTSIDE. LARGE 2 bdrm. house, central air-heat, pool, $175, 295-8905, ments.

322-3190, winter springs. LANIER-12X65, 3 bdrm, ba, Complete with skirting, awning and 838-8307; 424-2853. A i LIVESTOCK 436! PRIVATE SALES DAILY for Rent IW Wl DUHO io also officat 834-3192 alter 7. CENTRAL LAKE- 2 bdrm. carpet, air, unusually spacious, room for 4 adults, children welcome, 841-6100.

nrnil ADC A. 9 Mrm. Fla. 1 bath, 77 Homes VJmlui WYMflRF 568-2721. Auction Every Frl.

carpet, set up, ready to move In. nAufaiTniafU tnrm fir office. 700 SQ. cia rAAffl. iarae tot, near schools; room.

bath, Mntral heat-air, New parte wnn pool, rec nan. Family section. Priced to sell now. air. carpet, paneled.

111 E. Pine suu APPALOOSA STALLION-Reoistered, 3 vr old, Apache breed, unbroken, fenced vard. $150 mo. B4V-53V3. COLONIALTOWN- 1 Bdrm.

garage aot. nice furnishings, air, prefer drapes, air, kitchen equipped; mo. 447-8971 after 3. 425-4220- Owner. T7-ri Ol AC PytpA-nic.

1 easy terms. Ron Lee 273-4010. 1250. 471-3923 married couple, no petl. a k.m furnlnhed.

a BEAUTIFUL- 4 bdrm. 2W-bath home, 2 car garage, lovely furnishings including china and linens. Fxecutive home and neighborhood. 1 AMP LIGHTER-12x60. '72.

2 ixlrm. mfiAi a ac a mapfs. reo i Urii bdrms, 2 bathi, kitchan fully Muiooed. drapes, carpet) 8225, 425-2154, carpet, big yard, I17S mo, 194.1083, some carpeting, furnished. Kissimmee 0 A NOW LEASING CLOSE IN-Efflcianciei, each with tared, trained for timed event! and oarades.

(blue light) Ch'PP" 1038 W. Columbia, lease: 855-0108, 855-2622, 656-7419 days. $450 mo. Occupancy Aug. IS to Dec.

nrivAf screened in porcn iookimv NEW 12x60 2 bdrm. air, awnings, Pririal. SADDLfc over Lake Sola, pay, ween or 1 DOWNTOWN- large 2 bdrm, living room, dining room and kitchen, air. OSCEOLA SUN BUILDING skirting. By the month or will leu, hand tooled.

Western, 454-717 15. Pee Winq, Assoc. CLAYTON'S REALTY REALTORS LIKE NEW- NORTHERN BUILT INDALE 12x60, lVi hath, 2 extra large vino room, pecan paneling. month. Grace Terrace, 2u c.

Robinson, 425-2820. Adults oniy. wi-wii ftillv furnished, tin inciuuee umii- Ocoee. Ask for Judy. 700 W.

NE STREET ties. 841-6772. j9uwr ruFCTNUT GELDING- 16 rAcen nFDBV. luxurious 3 bdrm nnviuMTAAU I AVFFBO.NT. 7R1 N.

NICE 2 bdrm, central heat-air, vs block to city bus, near Orange a a a. al (fl'4 iec tv. AH 7 0. 71 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath Studios 1 Badroom, 1 Bath Pit, $250. disposal, and many extras, central air, Q'i heat, call after 9pm, 2 bath available for 3 mo.

all cond loning late off ENGLEWOOD- 2 bdrm, unfurn, air, kitchen eauipped, carport, no petl, Lucerne Cir. Large 1 bdrm air, i ail tack and supplies. si-0519 after 4 p.m. or Sun. AVC, 631-1923.

axtrai. $325 mo. Ph. 834-4584. saved customer parKing, Utilities.

$150. 425-2333. 1145 olui utiltiies. 855-4554. PINE HILLS-3bd house, adulti 1-267-4225.

MOBILE HOME And LOT-Cherlin Apartment Homes located buiia, aarvim. rmsj rooms, uwnci DOWNTOWN LAKEFRONT GELDING buckskin, Pintoiooa, Palmomino, also registered Ap-taloosa mares, will decorate to lull. Very attrac only, $160 1st at.d wn mp. plus 1100 oreakase. 1013 Santa LAKE BARTON AREA- Leasing Z.rZ n.LL 2-bdrm.

duplex, waif- New 1-2 Day, week, or year uay, wee, or park. For equity and assume payments. 1 bdrm. 1 bath. 12x60.

tive lease agreement, win provioe 843-8635 425-1094, HraDes. central Barbara 293-6949. ween lighted sign on Vine St. QUARTER HORSE and Colt 277-7639. kitchen Muioped, utllltv rouin.

private patio, 8175 mo. E. WASHINGTON 1314 mOST reasonable wnwi PARLIAMENT '71-12'x65'. 3-bdrm. 2 LAKESIDE LIVING CONTACT KEN GUTHRIE Close In, 3 room, utiiitiei fur security deposit, adult! oniy.

Atkins-Grcen-Stauffar Real- -a UADCC4 ur nld ae d' Call Collect Klssimmee 847-524. bath, raised 10'x20' screened porch, central air-heat, carpet, set up In Lake Kathrvn Estates. 81,350 equity. nished. PH.

42S-UBOA KE" Make eYsorlable offer. Call tors, 25-168i. All utilities Did. 1400 Holden Avenue 1-3 and 3 ledroam Apartment (305) 855-3600 EFFICIENCY-air, nur.xunnn IMD1KTQIAL PARK- take over payments, ph, 134-5759 deposit. 645-2670.

i rNGWOOD-2-bdrm, central air, 365-5357. Ovledo. uai uu Trailer tram $695, 824 wk. with $25, on baautitul Lake Tylor swimming, boating and skiing funj clubhouse; pool. We're not expansive either.

Monthly rantali from $155 Call today or drive) out to Hidden Cove ni i rhnlr off ire-warehouso units HfjuH. carport, kitchen Area- Trailer FTti.BITHLO after 5 PM, REGENT '72- 12'x60'. 2-bdrm. unfur- Used from $5. Poor Boy's, 5210 E.

auioped. 8165. available Aug. 10. left with bath and air conditioning, ideal for small buslnesi.


or Mn. Smith 277-0292 7 Lassa-A-Aaeas-as-MJ country living, Fla. room, air, washer, adults, no pets, $150 plul Colonial. 273-1732. 831-0785.

nished, 8200, assume payments, call 275-0645 after 6 pnv 831-0007 or 838-1189, Furnished. 7 deposit, Ph. 855-5416. TRAILERS new for any siit horse, for information call Harry Pyla. MULTI-TENACY range-oven, air, r.HDTI FA -LAKE 1VANHOE WINTER built in carport, utility 647-4617.

nom, no pets. 31-0742, Leroe 2 Furn. and urfurn. OFFICE-WAREHOUSING VaiainilCT AUn yearly, no pets. 422-2754.

i wiiimi rh- anrin. winter par, nlnai raeh And AQed, for lin ta. ft. to 43,000 so. ft.

Air GABOR'S ABODE ARTS. beddings and For prompt To JUnt Affirm, warehous no. 86 Wanted rni 1 cc.c daok. timn. now leas VUXUIIIWIIM I service, call 843-8044.

Residential THE HAYSTACK APARTMENTS ORLANDO'S NEWEST Haht manutacturing, cusiomueu iu for pent- private ihed, pasture suit tenants needs. Let us handle ing, annual or short term, 1 or 2 nicely furnished, also unfur-ninrf. disoosal, dishwasher, self- And water for each horse, $20 per your company'! future growth. DSJ mo. Lockhart area 299-4998 LIST YOUR HOUSE FOR Hcni Development, ttyiviv.

cleaning oven, no frost refrigerator, a.natina. rutnm draoes. unscci omunpn. New 12 stall ira. al charge, origoiai numa a.

2.000-4,000-6,000 Id. 18 ttitn rum. private pastures, El Rancho Finders, inc. proncr, Silver Star Mobile Homes MOVE IN TODAY New Mobile Homes Set-Up 293-0405. WYATT MOBILE HOMES VA Financing Available, 4190 Orange Blossom Trail.

425-6046. MOBILE HOME and Lot financing. Good Credit? Call us for the best rate In town, Barnett 1st National Bank of Winter Park, Call 646-3253. RENTAL PURCHASE Plan. See US for details.

Riley Mobile Homes, 5750 S. Orange Blsm. Tr 855-7125. BANK REPOSSESSION- 1971 Homette, 60X12, 3 bedroom, IV. bath.

S250 down. S87 per month, SIL'S MOBILE HOMES 7000 E. COLONIAL 277-1537 raiiino. 4 blocks from 1-4, 2551 5. 4900 S.

Rio Grande -PH. 859-3960 I JIL II APPLIANCES BY I EiidCXGG I fhrtpjaiiii: II apartments 11 cenfral air, all for ouiet Pleasant Rev. 2707 Goldenrod 273-2716. PF5PONSIBLE MATURE, widow Nashville, diock wesr or urenga adult living, no pets, 3331 N. Westmoreland.

843-6043. wants to rent modern duplex, car a yr. Bav Mare, gentle, auictt Blossom Tr. 423-2946J $120 to 135p.rMo. port.

Reasonable, y4-uy barrel racer, ropine? saddle Includ- 520 N. Broadway, Orlando luxury Apts. by the rnonth, seoson er yeor for moture edutti saeking the very finest in downtown opt, occonv Rtodotions. 241-477? 10 ont to 6 p.m. waines CITY-20 mln.

S. Of Disney tuDinvpn lady, mature desires ad. $350, Deland W4-JMU4. world. 4 rooms, 1 bdrm, elr, no WINTER PARK- Commercial Bank area, lust off Orlando Ave.

936 ft house. 400 ft garage. Good otfice pels, on Lake Eva, $95. 851-4602. SACRIFICE- I vr Palomino clean room with cooking privileges.

rin in. Bus line. S-Star Ad 104. spot. Bledsoe, 647-6957.

HOLLIENNA GARDEN gelding, show quality, rein trained. $350 Including tack or best offer. we have commercial property for 831-5159. 1 Bdrm new In Winter ParK Annual AT Khftrt TtflTII. rent or sale in Daytona Beach, low 87-Beach-Resort Rentals 1 POOL CLUBHOUSE TENNIS COURTS ADULTS ONLY 2401 S.

BUMBY AYE. 843-6474 WE WELCOME ALL Students to c.mm.r Bld.no Clinic every 710 S. Nicolet Ave. 645 3121 rent, all facilities, toniaci noomj I 8. Apts.

Unlimited, Reg. Real clean, 1 Estate BroKer, ij magnolia 1967 TORONAOO Mort-thru Fri. 12; Regular Instruction daily. Double Stables, bdrm 12 wide 8300 down. pnone LAKE ADAIR- l-bdrm, nicely furnished, 3140 mo.

671-0044 mornings. Daytona, 904-255-0471. Excellent condition. I iQfliTO' I Sauna Baths Vf I I I Extra Largs rOV III cottage In 2 bdrmi. Ph.

2734822 Mobile World. Mountain beautiful Royal Pinei. 1125. 423-4850. Call 831-2323, apitpan6 SQ.

FT. offices- warehouse space, dock high, whl finish 1 Aire FflLA NEAR- nlaan. Arfllltft AnlV. to suit tenant. Call Orlando Central rrtrnA BPArM nreantront et BP0OI III (Continued On Next Page) iwi.a.

pets 694-5B45 I park, 855-794. no 59 livestock-Supplies ficiency everythine furnished 125 weekend 150 5125 150 r-LlI rCWh' I I ON BEAUTIFUL UKE0RIENTA LAKEFRONT- With privileges, 1-783-1795. 175; 2 COIV rooms, eiecTnt nin.nrn. 1-783-3954 Or TLFU Ui I- I II 'rvK. I II tile bath, air, carpet, 1-4 ciosa, ui MATLACHA ISLAND- (near Ft.

W. Fairbanks, 647-4740. luxury, furn shed, water. JERSEY COW grain fed the 1 past 4 vr about 800 $200 CASH, Call 293-4417. SANTA Gertrudis bull, "ios-.

from registered stock, $450, Deland, LAKE EOLA front, Includei bo1, $65 wk. or 17C mn nh. 113.283-0788 Or write 1 $125 mo. Call 841-8499, bdrm. 5un and Fisn API.

wariacna isiena, 1 AirccoriKT. Ill N. Or ando 33901, for FRcc BKUtnuKC, near winter rarn won, nn-aiy BEACH, efficiency NEW SMYRNA furnished air, adults, no pets. ante averloakino ocean, air conoi- EFFICIENCIES 1 -BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES 2 a 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS FAMILY A ADULT SWIMMING POOLS FROM $140 M0. UP PHONE 831-7117 100 S.

MAITLAND AVE. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS DORIS MITCHELL, Manager cam- i ta Lomt 'iwu huwcu. r- Area-1515 WELDONA utiiitiei tlnnad. reasonable rates. LAKE ccuoai Atlantic erine immediate occupancy, pd.

Hilltop 207 N. adults pool, laundry. Ave. yv4-4-5 $150 mo, 896-1204. NEW SMYRNA BEACH- New ocean WOO IBiU alf a CLUD APARTMENTS Featuring the beautiful CLUB FRISCO with exercise room, sauna baths, 2 pools, tennis courts, complete recreational facilities.

Free Golf. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS From 85 Mo. Furnished or unfurniihed large apartments with central heart oir condtioning, wall-to-wall carpeting, fully equipped kitchen. i CALL 671-4001 NAVY BASE NEAR-Laketront, 1 frnnt eottaoe. Aug.

6 to Alg. 13. 65-Aparlments utiiitiei Included. $145. mo, Unfurnlshedl washer, oryer, oisnwasner, eya-wii.

also large room. 831-8858. mcuu CAAVBNA- Furn shed new. unoTuiaiFST- New lust right brick home, 2 b. from, ocean, air, for 1 or 2, no pets, $160 including 3 bdrm, $125 wk, 644-3W9.

ALTAMONTE- A I A Or 2 tchen eauipped, carport, nn nets. 8165, 831-3029, eves. I li AH About I A B' I Immediat. 1 St, FROM $145 II LA Occupancy 1.2&3 located directly behind Johnny Bel-1 I I X. tt7 SO Betjroorrui ton rord on Hwy.

17-92 Monroe I 'ZC I Moi'141 I j.pJJj frontier Management utilities, 843-8016. block NEW SMYRNA BEACH- 1 from beach lleepi 6, noiur.F MEMORIAL AREA. 1 phone child accepted, pool, itores, no Pets. 277-1820, 277-1229. nm Aunn.aaaiitlfnl lakefront aot.

Bay Run Apts. Sinn, 1 CACiuft 1 and 2 bdrm. ORANGE MEMORIAL AREA Furnished, TV, $125 Weekly, tourist welcome 894-8C3 air conditioned, nicely I Mil rriH.iwi'n. i aj2LI Ocean from furnished, adult only, no petl, 15 W. Underwood, ph.

424-9641 davi. condom urn, erouno noor. igg apts. In brand new 28 unit community. Ideal location for un.Ulna InHlulrillAll.

CarPOt- 159-3516 after 6 P.m. ide, 2 completely ana Inn. drapes, and kitchens by OAK ftlDGE RD- Ultramodern 1 hrirm. wall ta wall caroet, drapes luxuriously turmsnea, mrasita amn color tv, diswashar, by week rno. or Hotpolnt.

Phone 843-6413 or Hop by Q3B We season, 831-3191 or grmona eeacn etc. 851-3847, If no answer please I and talk to our Kentai uonsunani. 677-9102. try again, preferrably eves. WL 4-sVCHATEAU PRE-LEASING FOR AUGUST OCCUPANCY.

Arnjs 'IwtwrylMng1- VS of AfWoble Prices 1,2,3 BEDROOMS ADULT and FAMILY AREAS OPEN DAILY 500 Orange Dr Afomonfe Springt, behind VaMey forge Country Clue On Hwy. 436 ICEANVIEW CONDOMINIUM- New ORLANDO- Vacation apts. air conditioned, color TV, lleepi .6, You read many ads for apartments, f-. ff- w'vli- hnva exactlv what vou're looking Jf rinuuMTnwN. Excellent location, mvrna Beach, lust brlnfl your dav-week-or mo.

423-3537, 422-taio. most aesiraoie 4 norm bathing suit, tvaryming else tur- 4iirn i a -1avS tm i Church. 841-3988. no pets, 702 e. nisned.

leePI iwimming uui, for. So. OCEANFRONT Beach house, private beautiful view, slee.os 4, $118 1 CHERBOURG PLACE- 3212 425-5820. theneU- 11 Sea our competition first monthly rates, 904-427-37Z4. OCOEg- 40 Mtgnolla 1 adults, iwimming iaks near, rn, i Cornell.

Beautiful new 2 bdrm. on 1-4 Par Ave. Interchange. Central heat-air, dishwasher, disposal, lhag carpet, All-Adult, no petl, now 456-25 or 884-3732 24x52 ACADEMY By Skyline, 3 br. 1 bath WAS $10,700 3 br.

IV, bath. WAS $6795 NOW $5995 SPRING LAKE HILLS t4U iTl NEW '73 PEACHTREE 3 br. WAS $7995 jJ0WJ7125 "l7x65 2 br, Vh bath, Spanish decor, WAS $8195 NOW $7395 RELAX AT NEW SMYRNA BEACH-New luxury condominiums, 1 and i bdrm. 2 bath units, all with ocean view, completely furnished, pool, color TV, 644-9210 or 444-6318. SOUTH WINDS APTS.

1 5590 ready $175. Ph 425-3437. Old Cheney, Manager APt. ja. aecci BFoa fluslex.

IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY PH. 834-4377 273-4404, 855-7849. bdrm, Tncludss shwasher, washer CAMjun.PACk'; 1.9.1 bedroom ana dryer, ceii'rai neai-air, arvei, riranAt. tfArd fT.eii.1enanr.e, ouiet PH. 834-4483 trailer! and 2 adult parks, 2 family parks, 3515 Hwy.

17-92 88 Office Rentals neighborhood, 'ike living back 1 Boaroomi; rooi Clubhouse; Ideal Location From $165 Monthly 825 S. WYMORE RD. AWANCIS BY Sanford, 323-1930. Day, mo. home, alults, no petl, 838-4643.

Lakefront private home, small very unique, parking, CLOSE-ln-Wall to wall carpet, central heat-air, $125. Call $51-9250 Inlnmnl deposit, Adults, 241-5754, or 843-7185 after 6. 24x60 PEACHTREE 3 br. 1 Vt bath. WAS $14,900 1 3,700 Also thick reetol alen.

Ne jhone calls. See Mike Dempsey. ST. CLOUD, Michigan Ave. Apts.

south en Wymore approx. I mne i ARFA- Sublet. 2 bdrm, -k Cocoa MODERN BUILDING CENTRALLY LOCATED Fumshed or unfurnisnea 7-twrm. CONWAY Vh bath, around floor, pool. Cell 1-2-3 Bedroom Apts.

I Townhousei From $145 S. Rk Grande I Holden Ave. 843-3564 or 841-7833. Carriage East ants, from 8125 305 892-508 1 VANN'S TRAILER APTS. 30th St at 1-4.

Wk. rates 295-8947, APts. 4 ana aM mr rnnHltlnnad and Palms West Apartments LAKEFRONT Residents overlook tennis courts, picnic A Recrea nhwNTOWN-New oarden apart' 3 heated 'office space. Owner will 88! 1 ments, 1 and 2 bdrm, for mature nmMMl araa In ll VOtir OeedS. WINTER PARK- exclusive down town location.

Tastetuuy oecoraieo. tingles and couples, aisnwasner, garbage disposal central air. Two rest rooms, oft street parking fcant and rear entrances. Ideal for bedroom 2V4 batn townnouse ana harirnnmft 9 hath tnwer unit Real Estate office, Insurance, finance of 'ice, etc. For more Intorma- Fni A PARK area- laroa 2 hdrm rnm 1400.

Available Immediately. PHONE 7ft Call 831-0992 or 644-2838. (upstairs), a I a kitchen lion call. HIIBFRT fiRIRGS equipped, $125 mo, $50 security. APARTMENTS 851-6690 151 -7587.

tion ereos en scenic shores ot Lake Buchanan. 10 min. to downtown Orlando end Martin, 20 min. to Disney, WINTER PARK-Chermlng 1 patio, new furniture, lhag carpet, central heat-air, 8200 mo. Includes utilities.

Adult. Lease. Available i ar Cocoa 636-5331 Mdhday thru Friday, iVEImwood Executiv a a tij lift NFW GARDEN APTS. 2-bdrm, Citizen's Natl. Bank Sept.

1. 644-3839 or 425-4631 LOOK 1 1 Dar 0 Shoo. Caroetina. Air Cond. I kitchen equipped, air, shag carpet- AM OASIS? WINTER PARK DOWNTOWN-Ouiet Ing, 1020 Elmwood near Mills rwvAMTnWM net ando adult, n'ce efficiency, air, 1106.

and Anderson, adults, 859-0783. Full size suite or Individual office fnr Immarflata occupancy. Security. Lincoln. 189 E.

Morse. I I I Pool and laundry OVER Convenient to McCoy, Ind. Pic, Walt Disney MuiHi nn rrrn4r iflTP APABTMFNTS. Baautiflillv fur FT U- New 2 bdrm, 4 North of FTU In Ovfedo, $150 RIDGEWOOD Irene H. Scarboro, Realtor, leasing aoent.

Cell 841-6070 or 422-3169. nished, television, wan to wan carpet, phone service, air condi. I tloned, steam heat, Orange Court, VILLAGE. PHONb 365-3I-. fAKEFRONT.

2 bedroom nwak irkkfli Mru. aptt, DOWNTOWN-Offlces, carpet, air, $50 up. Marty Sullivan, Realtor, 118 near Naval Training Center 650 N. Orange Ave. 422-5131.

NEAR ORLANDO? k-. II II III 1 E. Jefferson, 841-3931. DEL CORONADO 3 APTS-CLOSE-IN DOWNTOWN WINTER PARK- 1,600 l-bdrm, super nice, air, shag I 829 LOWELL BLVD. 894-1911 T438W.OAItltDGfliO.

851-8970 I -i-J u. for professional use or I lirFRNF ARFA carpet, si 30. 1-rnom efficiency, carpet, air, llPi. rommarrlal. I to It parklne spaces.

New 2- bedroom townhouse and apts. Central heat-air, carpets and 1-room efficiency, lust painted. 190 for lease also for sale Phone pays all. Anchor Really, Realtor, 647-6230. Almost when you're living at lovely WESTERN SHORES.

drapes, Lucerne terrace ana trnes. tine Street off Gore. Call (41-2689. 422-0747. DENTIST'S OR DOCTOR'S OF LUXURY 2 2 baths, FICE Klssimmee, shopping center i 4 oration, carpeted, air conditioned, Often called "the beauty spot" of Central Florida, you'll find mobile home living at Its best on the shores of completely furnished, color T.V.

stereo, pool. Adults, 893-1313. 4n6rmandy MANOR APTS VILLAS A NOW LEASING partition! In, vacant, loo so. tt. oniy $725 mo.

Call Mid South Mortgage L00KIUG FOR AN APARltAEHT? 2-BORM-UPStalrs, bus-school near, utilities, air, 1-gtrl child, $33 wk. Tot working couplet tophisticated tinglei fun facilities Recreation center on the lake Including club house! pool, 5 eauna baths, exercise room end lighted tennis ceurh Private patio er balcony 1 Realtor, 425. 637; -EXECUTIVE "SQUARES Only 20 mlns, from Walt Disney beoutiful Lake Euitii where blue skies and blue waters pure air and gentle breeies all blend together (or a tranquility and peacefulneii seldom found 1035-23rd St. 843-6077. Don't Chase All Over Town! World, 1 hr, to either coast.

1.2, 3 bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished, flrlando's newest most convenient ocetlnn. 2233 Lee Rd. between 1-4 I I II 4- JlX from $150 mo. Ph. names iiy ibij with the itresi, strain and worry of today's living.

76 Homes 422 5190, 422-2083 or 439-1766. and 17-92. SEMORAN BLDG. near stores, 1AAITI Aun 2-bdrm Only 38 miles from Orlando, you'll find a virtual paradise great value I hil. nunr nnk AkO eriooKS lane, muui, ouuhs, air, I2UU, pill apran uronui Hwv 436 office building across from new Florida Hospital, Ideal for for easy and related living.

WESTERN SHORES a 644-2341. doctors. LET US HELP! Open 7 Days A Week PHONE 834-2050 FREE FAST EFFICIENT p'I Professional Apt. Finders, Inc. Broker PACKWOOD APTS.

$145, I ia Include carpet, drapes. Utili Shop- 1 i ii ties, lenllorlel services and ell the parking you can use. Call 647-5111 1 1 bath apt. from luxury living-moderate rent, ping, Khoois, churches, 1 away. 430 E.

Packwood DIK, sensibly restrictive adult only community, where you own your own land not rent end models are ready for instant occupancy. Simply drive 3 miles west of Tavares en 441, turn north on S-473, then follow the signs to WESTERN SHORES. Try If you'll love It. or visit today. Studios, ene, two end three bedroeme Speclouo fully equipped color coordinated kltehene V'otl-te-wall shag carpet end dreperiee Centrally located one mile east of 1-4 off 431 Adiocent to Florida hospital Renti from $130.

$240 375 Palm Springe Road, Altomonte Springs, Florida, 32701 No pets please By COHDCVt Community Builders tfj 444.3663. 1.2 and 3 bri FAIRBANKS AVE. 641 Prima Winter Park location, easy acresi to 1-4, tingle off'ces, 2 and 1 room RFGENCY APTS, ant And Inwnhnuses avauavn tu tat now ova te or caa "orn Tennis. Hwy. 434; 831-3722.

ALTAMONTE-Nearly new executive 4 2V baths, 2-story Colonial on 1 acres near 1-4. Fully equipped kitchen, double oarage, central air. 7 stall stable with fenced pasture. 8450. Jack Pyla Associates, Real CONWAY ESTATES- 3 bdrm.

2 bath, family room, air, carpet, 2 car garage, $325 deposit, 855-160 CASSELBERRY. Duplex, beautiful, 3 2 baths, air, adults, no pets. 5175, 838-0227. COLLEGE PARK- Clean 2 bdrm, house, kitchen equipped, elr, edults, 165, 425-2154, 425-9089. COLLEGE PARK Call 841-8699.

COLLEGE PARK- 3430 Golfyiew family home, central air-heat, immaculate, 3250. me. 277-9545. 3 uimtpp park-1 kitchen $75 UP which Includes carpet, drapes, lanitorlal services, utilities and parking. Call David Meadows, aaulpoed, carpet, air, utilities pan FOR FURTHIR INFORMATION "uufupb ST.

1916- unfurnished pulMer-. -IJ Greater Mall CALL MR. ROBERT TRAVIS (904) J43 S440 central air-heat, car Call 834-2442 (I Uun, i-l irriitlve suites. reawnaWy prlcedT Im-luding air iMSffl'ffflHHto IBB rnmiiiionina and all utilities. Bnrtlnnnlreeai apt.

WINTER PARK, exclusive down. town location 3 bedroom 2'A bath townhouse and 2 bedroom 2 batn -flower unit from 8350 to 550. Available Immediately. Call 131 0992 er 644-2838. ipacioui rerklne fc levator W14UUI.

Orlando Evening Star from Orlando, Florida (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.